International scientific and research conference
International Relations Department of FEIT announces to students, aspirants, masters and teachers that Chelyabinsk branch of the Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation together with the faculty of International Economic Relations of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan will held XIII International scientific and research conference of students, aspirants and masters on the theme «Strategy of steady development in research of the young scientists». Materials of the conference will publish in the electronic collection (RISC).
Main directions of the conference:
1. Financial mechanisms of activation of socio-economic development of enterprises, complexes, regions.
2. Tax administration tools, accounting and audit in modern conditions.
3. Future managers of modern economics.
4. About practical values of socio-humanitarian research.
5. Information technologies and mathematical methods in student’s research.
Given conference will be held on 14th of February, 2017 in Chelyabinsk branch of the Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation. Wishes to attend can submit their articles by the listed areas of the conference. Deadline of the acceptance of the articles is 7th of February, 2017.
Details, about demand of formalization of articles, about filling in the application or getting up the articles one can get at the official site of the university or contact International Relations Department of FEIT.