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Improving the TSUFE quality of education and analysis of the First Self-assessment report on institutional accreditation

On September 12, 2019 a workshop on “Improving the quality of education for employees of the Tajik State Financial and Economic University” is held at the Business Center “Sozidanie”, initiated by Component 4 EU PFM Reform Support Project: Lot1.
The Vice-Rector for the education Nuralizoda Amrullo and Specialist of the Education Department of the TSFEU - Sulaimonzoda Shukhrat will deliver  a speech at the event and also took part in the seminar. Project experts  Sigitas Brazinskas, Acting Team Leader and Iskandar Davlatov Expert of the EU project «Support to selected areas of PFM reforms: Lot 1 initiated discussion, provided with practical sessions moderation, shared experience and determined further actions and improvement plans. 
The seminar is addressed to self-analysis progress and challenges  associated with the assessment of the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in TGFEU, summing up the self-analysis of outcomes for standards and further guidance to improve and readiness TGFEU to the outside audit.
During the seminar, the following results will be achieved:
Strengthening the capacity of TSFEU staff in conducting self-assessments in accordance with ESG and international standards;
The self-analysis report of TSFEU is considered as an interim version and actions are taken to improve it over the next two weeks from September 12 to September 25, 2019, when the first external evaluation team will come to Dushanbe to review progress;
Employees of the Training Department and the Department of Financial Management of TSFEU use in practice standards and recommendations to ensure quality in the European Higher Education Area (ESG);
PFM education program is being prepared for accreditation in accordance with ESG;
Improving the quality of education at TSFEU by introducing ESG standards and, therefore, it will increase its competitiveness among universities in the Republic of Tajikistan;
The activity of TSFEU is approaching European and international standards by introducing the principles of education quality ESG with the support of the EU project “Supporting certain areas of PFM reform: Lot 1”;
Strengthening the position of TSFEU as an educational and research institution in the field of public finance management.