Кафедры факультета
- Кафедра информатики
- Кафедра математического и информационного моделирования
- Кафедра систем и информационных технологий
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 27, 2018 No. 169, the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan was transformed into the Tajik State Financial and Economic University. The Faculty of Information Technologies in Economics was established by the decision of the Academic Council of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan (now the Tajik State Financial and Economic University) under No. 1 dated May 30, 2012 and by order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan dated May 31. It should be noted that the Faculty of Information Technologies in Economics is headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Temurbekova Sofya Davronbekovna.
The Faculty of Information Technologies in Economics carries out its activities in the preparation of highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the labor market. Currently, the faculty has specialized departments of mathematical and information modeling, practical informatics in economics and systems and information technologies in economics, which train specialists in accordance with labor market conditions in the following specialties:
- 1-3103060104-information technology and management in the economy;
- 1-26020323-logistics;
- 1-31030407-information technology of financial systems;
- 1-40010202-information systems and technologies in the economy;
- 1-25 0112 00-economic informatics;
- 1-4001020201-accounting information technologies;
- 1-98010101-computer security;
- 1-25011026-digital economy;
- 1-31030602-economic cybernetics.
Personnel for branches of the national economy with a higher education-bachelor are trained in the indicated specialties. In recent years, on the direct initiative of the university administration, the faculty has been accepting students for a master's degree in technology and information systems in economics. It should be noted that during the creation of the university, the Faculty of Information Technologies in Economics has produced many specialists in current specialties of full-time and part-time departments, and graduates work in various sectors of the economy.
The material and technical base of the faculty is improving from year to year, modern electronic boards have been installed and today are fully used by teachers, students are taught using modern teaching methods (slides). The faculty has 3 computer classes with an electronic board and a projector, which facilitates practical laboratory classes in specialized disciplines. It should be noted that 40.5% of the teaching staff of the faculty are teachers with academic degrees. The faculty pays special attention to the training of scientific personnel, annually publishes the results of scientific research of its teachers in collections of scientific papers of the university and international conferences, domestic and foreign journals.

The Department of Mathematical and Information Modeling is a specialized department that trains highly qualified specialists to meet the needs of the domestic and world labor market in the field of economic and mathematical modeling, logistics, digital economy and information technology and financial systems management. The department has a long-term plan of research work, in which the teachers of the department are engaged in research work, analyzing various aspects of economic and mathematical modeling, logistics and digitalization of individual sectors of the economy. In order to expand educational and scientific ties, enter a single educational space, expand cooperation with higher educational institutions abroad, some teachers were trained at universities in the USA, Germany and Ukraine. In this regard, the teachers of the department cooperate with EU projects on public finance management, analysis of micro- and macroeconomic indicators using mathematical economic modeling, the results of which are used to familiarize students with theoretical, practical and practical knowledge of educational and research work. In order to improve the skills and knowledge of students and involve them in research work, the department has a student scientific circle "Young Modellers", which plays a significant role in improving the skills and professionalism of students.

The organization and development of the department is directly related to the creation of the Tajik State Financial and Economic University. At the Faculty of Information Technologies in Economics, the department has always had a special status and is the center of training and research in one of the main areas of the economic information system. The main advantage of this department is that, first of all, its employees are in demand in the information technology market of the country and perform the main tasks to ensure the sustainability of various economic and social sectors of the country. Since its inception, the Department of Information Systems and Information Technologies in Economics has been closely cooperating with government and business organizations of the country and trains specialists in the necessary areas. At the same time, in order to improve the direction of education and science, the department invites specialists from third-party organizations and institutions for training. It should be noted that in order to improve the research work of the teachers of the department, cooperation has been established with various domestic and foreign journals.

Department of Applied Informatics in Economics - a specialty that prepares students in the field of economic informatics and computer security. In order to expand educational and scientific ties, enter a single educational space, expand cooperation with higher educational institutions abroad, a number of teachers were trained in universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India. In connection with the structures of public administration in cities and regions of the country, they were trained in information technology and programming language, and also got acquainted with the educational and scientific work of universities in these countries, which contributes to the development of theoretical, practical and practical knowledge. Given all this experience, the Tajik State Financial and Economic University pays special attention to the training of highly qualified specialists. We feel the result of this through the competitive employment of graduates of the Faculty of Information Technology in the economy.