Accounting and Statistics Faculty

Gafurov Giёsiddin Sadriddinovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Study: Бинои таълимии III
Education: Institute of Economics of Tajikistan
- Accounting Department
- Statistics Department
- Economic Analysis Department
- Department of audit and revisions
Faculty of Accounting and statistics
The state educational institution of the Finance and economics institute of Tajikistan was formed by Resolution of the government of the Republic of Tajikistan under #227 from May 11, 2012, by the merging of two higher educational institutions “Finance Institute of Tajikistan” and “The economic institute of Tajikistan”.
The Faculty of ”Accounting and statistics” was formed by the decision of Academic council of the institute on #1 from May 30, 2012 and by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan on #39 from May 31, 2012.
There are 4 specialized departments in the faculty: “Accounting calculation”, “Audit and inspection”, “Economical analyses” and “Statistics”. The head of the departments are the leading scientists as Fasehzoda Islom Saimirzo – doctor of economic sciences, professor: Imatshoev Zinatsho Khizmatshoevich – candidate of economic sciences, docent; Bobomurodov Bobomurod Elmurodovich – candidate of economic sciences, docent; Tilabov Yoribek Emomnazarovich – candidate of economic sciences, docent;
The most priority activity direction of the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” is training of higher qualified specialists, studding which take place in full-time and in correspondence departments in a traditional and credit system of education. For this time European credit system, were adopted by our institute is the most widespread form and creates occasion of higher mobilize the students in the world.
In the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” in training students work high qualified specialists; 3 professors, 10 docents, candidate of economic sciences, 23 senior teachers and 8 assistants. It’s time to note that in the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” more than 27,9% (percent) teachers have scientific degree. FEIT has bilateral agreement in passing producing and before diploma practices and training high qualified specialists with Agency of statistics on President of the Republic of Tajikistan and Association of accountants and audits of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Today in the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” study students on a base of budget and agreed by contract, full-time and correspondence forms of education on these specializes:
- 1-25010801 - accounting calculation, analyze and audit in banks;
- 1-25010803 - accounting calculation, analyze and audit in budget and scientific institutions;
- 1-25010804 - accounting calculation, analyze of audit in commerce organizations;
- 1-25010805 - accounting calculation, analyze and audit in the industry;
- 1-25010814 - accounting calculation, analyze and audit in foreign economic relations;
- 1-25010201 - economic analyze;
- 1-25010500 - statistics;
- 1-25011100 - audit.
Training of high qualified specialists for different branches on national economy carry out on degrees of “bachelor” and “specialists”. During the academic year 18 graduators of the faculty entered the master degree on “accounting calculation” and “economical analyze” specialties. We have 47 academic groups and 1300 students, 670 of them in full-time and 630 of them in the correspondence group of education.
In full-time of education from 31 academic group, 25 academic groups -562 students, studding in credit system of education, and in traditional system of education in 6 academic groups 109 students. In correspondence form of groups 9 academic groups – 329 students studding in the credit system of education, and in traditional system of education in 7 academic groups studying 311 students.
In the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” in full time department 101 girls and in the correspondence department 216 girls. At the same time from the sum total students full-time form of education 268 students study in budget groups, but from the sum total of students in correspondence form of education in the budget groups study 42 students. In this form education by President’s quotes study 12 students in full-time and in correspondence groups 8 students.
Besides, in the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” by quotes between States agreement and decree government of the Republic of Tajikistan in full-time form of education, on specialize 1-25010814 – accountant, analyze and audit in foreign economic relations study 5 students – citizen of Kazakh Republic.
Generally, scientific research activity is an integral part and locomotive education and culture. Scientific research activity in the faculty of “Calculation and statistics” realize in conformity with themes:
- Calculation and statistical analyses stable economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is consists of three parts;
- Problem reforming of accounting calculation and book-looking according ISFA home and foreign audit in the state institutions;
- Mark of influences factors in stable development economy of the country;
- Problems of providing food security of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” from youth teachers formed “Council young scientists”, in which discuss actual problems of national economy.
So, in the faculty forms “Scientific society”, which consists of 2 independent students’ scientific circles “the peak of science” and “The way to life”.
Want to note that in the scientific circle “the peak of science” take part students with high progress.
In specialized departments of the faculty formed students scientific circles as: “The young accountant” and “The young statistic”, the head of these circles are the perspective young teachers.
The head of the faculty spare the main attention to the scientific communication of the students, the active members who work at the scientific and public activities.
At the time activists in the public work curators and the monitors of academic groups and the students of trade union, which spare main attention cultural and physical development of students. The responsibility for effective functions of transfer communications and circles make 30 teachers responsible, which formed the society of curators in the academic groups of the faculty.
Nowadays in the faculty of “Accounting and statistics” in directly support of the head of the institute for the improving of quality of education and training of high qualified and demand specialists created all necessary conditions.
It’s time to note that in the faculty of “Calculation and statistics” in this time functions 4 specialized computer laboratories which equipped with modern technologies, 56 computers, 4 projectors, 3 electronic boards, 1 scanner and 1 printer and they connected to high speed internet.
In the specialized computer classrooms study in courses of “Informatics and 1-C Accountant”, in a latest program, and during free times the students execute independent works.