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Charity on the eve of Navruz

Charity on the eve of Navruz

Every year, on the eve of Navruz holiday different organizations and institutions provide material assistance to the children's homes and boarding schools. The administration of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan systematically provides charitable assistance to the Republican boarding school for hard-of-hearing children and late-deaf children in Rudaki district. 
On the eve of Navruz holiday institute has provided financial assistance: TV, printer, food products. The gifts to the children of boarding school were handed by Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs of FEIT S. Kalandarov and Chairman of the Joint Committee of Trade Unions of Institute H. Nasriddinov. The administration of boarding school expressed gratitude for assistance.
The administration of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan will support financially children of this boarding school constantly.

Kamoliddin Sharifov