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Scientific conversation about the Kayonid state

Scientific conversation about the Kayonid state

The first actually Aryan dynasties, according to tales and legends relating to the prehistoric period are known as Peshdodid and Kayonid. On April 30, 2015 the scientific conversation on this theme was organized on the initiative of the Humanities Department. The participants of the event discussed the theme in connection with the publication of the book of academician Y.Yokubov «The State of Kayonid». Vice rector for Science of FEIT Guyosiddin Ashurov opened the event with welcoming speech.Then the report of the associate professor of the Department S. Emomov on «The Archaeological activity of the academician Yusufshoh Yokubov» was heard. The Head of the Humanities Department Asadullo Mullojonov and senior lecturer of the same Department Firuza Abdulvohidova informed the audience about the content of the book of Y. Yokubov «The State of Kayonid» and its importance to science. It was noted that Kayonid is a dynasty of Kings of Eastern Aryans who created the second state that had ruled 738 years. There are names of some representatives of the dynasty which are known in history. The first ruler of the state of Kayonid was Kaikubod, who took the place on the throne with the help of Rustam. He held in his state administrative-territorial division. His state was divided into Kut (regions), districts and shakhristans (settlements). Kaikubod also introduced the kind of tax as Dahyak. The capital of the state of Kayonid was Balkh town.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Yusufshoh Yokubov, the honored guest, thanked the administration of the Institute and the organizers of the scientific conversation for their initiative in holding such events. He informed about the history of writing his book, his archaeological expeditions and the importance of the book for science in general. The author noted that its peak state Kayonid reached during the reign of Gushtosp, which improved the structure of his government, set new Diwans and a position of the Minister. The existence of Diwans during the reign of Gushtasp showed that even that time there was a centralized state. At this period appeared Zoroastrianism, which determined the further historical development of the civilization of the Aryan people.

The event was held in a friendly and interesting atmosphere.

Kamoliddin Sharifov