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The best students are determined

The best students are determined

On May 8, 2015 the final stage of the Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the country summed up. According to the results of the Olympiad 58 participants won prizes place at 36 nominations.

The students of the National University of Tajikistan took 11 prize places (the first 7 places) in the team were awarded the first place. The Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Dushanbe, and the State University of Law, Business and Politics took five prize places and took the second step of the pedestal of the Olympiad.

Olimpiad4001.jpgWe are pleased to announce that the students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan won 4 prize places. Mahfirat Samadzoda – the 3rd year student of the Financial Economics and Taxation Faculty, took second place in the category of Economic Theory (supervisor: assistant of the Economic Theory Department Holmatova S.), Zafari Saidkul – the 4th year student of the Finance and Credit faculty, won the third prize place in Philosophy (supervisor: associate Professor of the Humanities), Nematullo Solekhov – the 4th year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty won the third prize place in Mathematics (supervisor: associate Professor of Mathematics Department R. Rakhimov) Miraziz Obidov – the 3rd year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty, also won third place in Political science (supervisor: assistant of the Department of Humanities Dzhobirov I.).

Olimpiad400.jpgAt the end of the competition Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Nuriddin Said solemnly awarded the winners with diplomas and prizes established by the organizers of the Olympiad. Several students for active participation in the Olympiad were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as souvenirs. Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science were also given to the students of FEIT: the 2nd year student of the Financial economics and Taxation faculty Mehrangez Normahmudova on Tajik language (supervisor: Lecturer of the Tajik and Russian languages  Department M. Sirodjov), the 1st year student of Finance and Credit Faculty Isfandiyor Asanshoev on subject Russian language (supervisor: Lecturer of Tajik and Russian Languages Department F. Safarov), the 1st year student of Finance and Credit Faculty Ramazon Saidov on the subject of Physics (supervisor: associate Professor of Natural Science H. Saidov), the 1st year student of International Economic Relations Faculty on the subject biology- ecology Olisomon Hojiev (the supervisor of the Natural science department V. Orifjonova).

Rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan A.Soliev was also awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan for the excellent organization of the final stage of the Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions

It should be noted that the achievement of positive results is invaluable contributions of students and their scientific supervisors, as well as employees of the Research department.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva