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Preliminary results of the exams

Preliminary results of the exams

On the basis of the order of the rector of FEIT from  April 20, 2015 “On confirmation of the staff and schedule of works of the State Attestation Commission in 2014-2015 academic year, the requirements of the Regulation on State Attestation of Graduates of Higher Professional Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan "On confirmation of the members of chairmen of state exams (state final attestation) in Finance and economic Institute of Tajikistan in 2014-2015 academic year” state examinations are taken in FEIT.

The state exams began on April 24 until June 30.

According to the Head of the Department on educational work of FEIT Amrullo Nuraliev, none of the graduates received a failing grade (unsatisfactory mark). It is encouraging that a significant part of the students pass the state examination on "good" and "excellent". According to preliminary estimates, 25 students, 8 undergraduates have a real chance to graduate from the Institute with Red diploma (honors graduate).

The chairmen of the State Attestation Commission expressed satisfaction about the quality of graduates’ knowledge and taking state exams. Also the Head of Department on Educational Work noted that the administration of Institute intends to continue to take all necessary measures to improve the quality of education and professional skills of young specialists.

Kamoliddin Sharifov