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The best hostesses are the students of Accounting and Statistics faculty

The best hostesses are the students of Accounting and Statistics faculty

On May 22, 2015 at the initiative of the Education Department a competition «Best hostess» was held in FEIT, dedicated to the Year of the Family. The students of all faculties of the Institute participated in the competition. According to the terms of competition the girls had to cook national dishes, salads, make a beautiful hairdo and sing a lullaby. All the participants demonstrated their skills and talents of hostess.

After the participants did all the terms of the competition, the jury members – senior specialist of the Women's Affairs and Family Department of the Sino district Sanoat Valieva, associate Professor of Humanities Kutbiya Homidova, teacher of Russian and Tajik languages Department Ludmila Drozdenko summed up the results of the competition. The students of the Accounting and Statistics faculty was awarded the first place, the second place won the students of Management and Finance Law faculty, the third place won the students of  International Economic Relations faculty.

It should be noted that on the basis of the rector’s order of the Institute the participants of the competition received a cash prize:  the first place winner - 500 somoni, the participants who won the second place- 300 somoni, and third place – 150 somoni.

The organization of such events prepares girls for family life and household activities that contributes to the strengthening of family and marriage.

Kamoliddin Sharifov