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The Establishment of the branch "Samrau" in FEIT

The Establishment of the branch "Samrau" in FEIT

On May 28, 2015 the rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A. A. received the guests of the Institute - Lavrentev S. N. the rector of the Bashkir Academy of State Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Vice-rector on scientific work of the Academy Dorozhkin Yu. N. and Director of the Eurasian center "Samrau" Safronov K. Yu. The Rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A. A. informed the guests about all the activities of the Institute in detail. The parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation. Lavrentev S. N. noted that Bashkir Academy of State Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan intends to establish cooperation with FEIT in all directions. Then an agreement on bilateral cooperation between FEIT and Eurasian center "Samrau" was signed. Under the agreement, special attention will be paid to cooperation in the sphere of education, research work and the establishment of a branch "Samrau" under the Finance and Economics institute of Tajikistan.  

The guests visited classes, acquainted with the test centre, sports facilities, lecture halls, met teachers and students of the Institute. They thanked the administration of the institute for the warm welcome. They were satisfied that all classrooms and laboratories were well-equipped with the latest technology, training and research equipment.

It should be noted that since 2014 FEIT cooperates with the Bashkir Academy of State Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Eurasian center "Samrau". In the framework of this cooperation three online conferences were organized in FEIT.

K. Sharifov