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View of Alexey Kireev on the New International Economy

View of Alexey Kireev on the New International Economy

On June 4 the issues related to the theory and practice of the new international economy at the present stage were discussed at the regular meeting of the scientific and practical circle «Economic expert» in FEIT.

The rector of the Institute Solekhzoda A. A., opening the circle, familiarized the participants with the theme. He noted that the problem under discussion is actual to our time. The attention of participants of the scientific meeting was drawn to the practical experiences of experts and specialists. There was noticed that it is necessary to establish close cooperation and to use the latest versions of economic models and to take steps to improve knowledge and skills of young specialists.

The famous scientist-economist, doctor of economic sciences, Professor Alexey Kireev was invited to participate at the meeting in FEIT, who said about the models of the world economy which can be applied in Tajikistan. As A. Kireev noted, the theory of international microeconomics is a new field of Economics that studies the microeconomic processes in the context of globalization. The main objective of the formation of new economic models is to find additional opportunities to ensure agents of farms with mechanisms and ways of using economic theory. As the speaker noted, immoderate state of modern economic relations has also positive aspects, as it creates an additional reserve of economic growth.

иктисоди0400.jpgA characteristic feature of the new economy is the rapidity of the changes in global aspect, and on the scale of individual companies. Change management requires the use of new management technologies, work with sources of economic information, the use of modern communications, including Internet resources, critical thinking of economic information, economic analysis of social phenomena and events.

Speaking in the debate, the rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A. expressed his opinion regarding the use of new integrated methods to prevent a world crisis.

In the final part of the event, the speaker gave satisfactory answers to the numerous questions of the participants.

Doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the State Commercial University of Tajikistan Rajabov Kuchak participated at the circle. He expressed his opinion regarding the discussed problem.

The members of the circle decided to provide their scientifically based proposals and recommendations to the relevant ministries and structures.

The meeting of the scientific and practical circle «Economic expert» was very profitable and in the business atmosphere.

Sadihoja Madiev, Ph. D., associate Professor,

Secretary of the circle «Economic expert»