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Youth and informational technologies

Youth and informational technologies

On June 15, 2015 Republican scientific-practical conference on theme: «Development Strategy of Tajikistan for 2016-2050 years: «Youth and information technologies in economy» was held at Finance and economic Institute of Tajikistan. The conference was organized in cooperation with Economic and Demography Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, the branch of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISA) in Dushanbe and foundation named after F. Ebert.

At the opening ceremony the vice-rector on Educational work of FEIT Ibrohimov I., Deputy Director of Economy and Demography Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Mirsaidov A., Director of the branch of MISA in Dushanbe Kamoliddinov S., the representative of the Foundation named after F. Ebert in Tajikistan Khaidarov R. made a speech. They stressed the importance of organization such scientific events and importance of information technologies in development of economy.

Конференсия0400.jpgThe participants of the conference listened to the following reports: Doctor of economic sciences, academician of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Kaumov N.K. on theme: «Youth and Development of Innovative Economy»; Doctor of economic sciences, Professor Koshonova M.R. on theme : «The Role of Informational Technologies in the Development of Human Capital»; Doctor of economic sciences, Professor Yunusi U. on theme: «Mathematic Modeling in Economy: measures against crisis»; research worker of Economic and Demography Institute of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan Fatkhulloeva F. on theme: «The Problems of Innovation Development of Economy of the Republic of Tajikistan»; candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Khakimov M. on theme: «Youth and Use of Electronic Trade in Small and Medium Business»; Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Mirzoahmedov F. on theme: «The Strategy of Innovation Development of Republic of Tajikistan: business-Incubator of the Republic of Tajikistan»; professor expert of international economic relations Pierre Lui Kabanels (France) on theme: «Innovation Approaches for Promotion  University and Employer to Provide Employment Assistance»; Saidov I. on theme: «Attracting Young Specialists in Management of Information Technologies as Factor of Increasing Efficiency of Management»; candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Mutiev S. on theme: «Vocational Education of Young Specialists and their Training for Labor Activity»; Sadonov A. on theme: «Informational System and Technologies in Logistics».

The speakers emphasized the importance and meaning of information technologies in development of society, distribution and using by society new knowledge, in integration of all spheres of human activity, including science, culture, industry, economy and management.

It was stressed that youth should improve their ability of using information technologies, to keep pace with the times, be aware of innovations in the sphere of innovative technologies.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva