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Analysis of the Modern State of AIC

Analysis of the Modern State of AIC

On  June 17, 2015 the Republican scientific-practical conference «Modern state of  AIC, the role of its development in solving problems of food security of the country» was organized at the initiative of the Economics and Management Department of  FEIT in cooperation with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan which brought together eminent scientists in the field.

Rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Solekhzoda Ashurboy opened the conference, who addressed the participants with welcoming speech. He noted that achieving food security is a global task and a strategic goal of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The government of the Republic takes the necessary measures to achieve the goals of the Program of food security of Tajikistan. Including, in 2012, the Council on food security under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was established, the purpose of which is to coordinate strategic decisions relating to food security in the country.

Then the doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Management Department of FEIT Vohidov V. V. made a report on theme «Modern state of AIC (Agro-industrial Complex), the role of its development in solving problem of food security of the country». The speaker, analyzing the modern state of the agricultural industry in the country, noted that the problem of providing food security is inherent in all countries of the world. When the state to ensure food security for their citizens produces more than 25% of the food and raw materials for the processing of agricultural products from abroad, this is the matter of concern.

Statistical data show that in 2013 in comparison with 1991 production of cereals in the country has increased 4.6 times, wheat – 6.2 times, vegetables and fruits – 2.5 times, potatoes –4.5 times and honey –6 times. But despite this, still there is an increase in imports of food products. Thus, the export of food products from the total quantity of exported goods is 4.5%, while import of the same goods is 20%. The solution to this problem is possible only in the transition from extensive model to intensive development model. To achieve significant results, it is necessary to collect from each hectare of land twice more harvest, to use the latest production technology, to study and use the best practices of the best domestic and foreign farms, rational use of every inch of irrigated land, etc. The solution of these problems is under the force of Tajik farmers and scientists of the industry have to ensure that the results of their research activities were implemented in production, - noted in the conclusion of his speech Vohidov V.V.

The conference participants discussed the problems existing in AIC and ways to eliminate them: the ways to achieve food security in the country, the development of the agricultural sector, the training of qualified personnel, the ways to strengthen the links between science and production, etc.

Вохидов0400.jpgIn the final part of the conference, colleagues, companions, friends and pupils congratulated the Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, a prominent public and politician Vohidov V.V. with the 75th anniversary. Including doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Tajik Agrarian University Abdurakhmon Madaminov, former Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, the first President of the Republic of Tajikistan Kakhhor Mahkamov, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Rashid Rakhimov, Ex- Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Nuriddin Kaumov, rector of the Technological University of Tajikistan Nurali Shoev, Chairman of Council of Veterans of Tajikistan Rahmatjon Kudratov, former Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan Zoir Muhiddinov, a former Chairman of the Agricultural industry Ikrom Kurbonov, poet Ali Bobojon, Deputy Chairman of  Vahdat  Bobisho Azizov, Deputy Chairman of Hissar district Sharif Abdulloev, students, colleagues, friends and relatives congratulated the hero of the day with birthday, noted his great contribution to the development of the country's agriculture and economic science.

It was noticed that Vohidov V.V. with his work and huge contribution to the development of the agro- industrial complex of the Republic of Tajikistan deserve honor and respect, and the younger generation of scientists and researchers should be raised on his life experience.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva