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Recognition of Merits at the International Level

Recognition of Merits at the International Level

The award of the international gold award «Quality Crown» to Finance and economic Institute of Tajikistan is one of the main achievements of the institute. The award was established by the international company Business Initiative Directions. FEIT awarded the prestigious prize for achievements in the sphere of management, improvement of product quality and implementation of innovative technologies. The award ceremony took place on March 22, 2015 at the hotel «Inter-Continental» of Geneva with the participation of representatives of 80 countries and 200 firms, institutions from all countries of the world. The President of the company Business Initiative Directions Hosse Prieto handed the high award in a solemn atmosphere to the rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solekhzoda.

In April number of international journal ADARRI (www.adarri. com) posted an article which gives details on the ceremony of presenting award to our institute. The article included photos with the rector of FEIT A. Solekhzoda with the gold award «Quality Crown» in the hands, as well as photos with the President of BID Hosse Prieto, President of the Convention of quality QC100 Crack Miller and persons who got international prize.

It is pleasant that the photo of the rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solekhzoda with the gold award «Quality Crown» in the hands decorates the cover of regular issue ADARRI. The issue of journal contains nine photos with A. Solekhzoda, which is a proof of win of international recognition of our Institute. It should be noted that this is not the only presentation of FEIT in the foreign mass media. The materials about the Institute were also placed in international journals «University of the Future» and «Quality Crown».  

On receiving the Gold award FEIT became a member of the international Convention BID on quality. International Convention on quality is part of the annual programmes of BID, Business Initiative Directions, and aimed at the recognition for merits of companies, organizations and businessmen of all business world. The main activity of the organization aimed at spreading quality culture in leading companies of all countries and the improvement of quality in production management. The organization gives to companies opportunity to follow on the way of quality and success.

The award of the prize is recognition of the work and contribution of all staff of the institute in the improvement of education, research activity and international relations at the Institute, for leadership, innovations, the introduction of modern technologies and efficiency in the sphere of education. The recognition of results of the Institute's activities at the international level requires the staff of the Institute to direct efforts to meet the requirements of international standards in the sphere of education and management.