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The problems of taxation system

The problems of taxation system

On September 22nd, 2015 in honor of Entrepreneurs Day (October 14th) at the initiative of the Tax and Taxation department of FEIT, a scientific and practical seminar on «Problems of the taxation system of  business» was held in FEIT.

Associate Professor of Tax and Taxation Department Tohir Islomov made a speech on this theme and suggested the ways to eliminate problems in the system of taxation of entrepreneurship entities. He specified the basic principles and mechanisms aimed at improving the taxation system in the field of entrepreneurship. T. Islomov proposed a number of amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan. In particular, the tax legislation of RT is determined that in the case of social assistance entities and individual entrepreneurs needy population, they make payments to the budget for 25% rate. In this regard, it would be appropriate to amend 104, 164 articles, and in 2 part of article 164 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Also, he suggested for development the agricultural sector of the republic, as well as the tax on land in the land cadastre form to eliminate the 2 part of 273 article and the 4 part of the 302 article of the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, as the authorized state authority produces an annual indexation of the unified tax rate and land tax in accordance with the rate of inflation for the previous calendar year. But it should be noted that the profitability and efficiency of land do not increase with the rising of inflation and not all the lands are used for the purpose of entrepreneurship.

In order to use the correct procedure for taxation and eliminate the existing shortcomings in the Tax Code the tax treatment of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the basis of the patent should be amended.

To produce correct calculation of the state budget the changes should be made to 1 and 2 paragraphs of  3part of the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, as in practice, the employees of tax authorities in due time do not read or do not return the amount overpaid or overcharged taxes (excessive admitted taxes to the budget).

At the end of his speech Islomov T. noted that his proposal aimed to further development of entrepreneurship in the republic and the simplification of the tax system, they follow from the tasks set by the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon in the Message to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan. On this occasion, the President noted: «If we take steps to further simplify and general availability of the tax system, to improve conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, I am sure that all entrepreneurs prefer to conduct their activities strictly within the law».

At the end of the seminar the Head of the Research department Kutbiddin Mukimov and Head of Tax and Taxation  Department Hurshed Jumaboev, expressing their thoughts on the theme under discussion, stressed that the proposed amendments are the result of careful analysis of tax legislation and may contribute to its further improvement. The speakers said that the proposals will be sent to the relevant authorities of the republic and expressed hope that they will be taken into account in the process of renovation of the Tax Code.

It should be noted that the put forward amendments and proposals were formulated during the analysis of the working group from the teachers of the institute under Consultative Council to improve the enterprise environment and investment climate of the Chairman of the Hatlon region.

Mashhura Abdulloeva