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ADDRESS of the teaching staff, collective staff and students of FEIT

To gain independence and sovereignty was truly life-changing development for Tajiks. As nation who owns a destiny of present and future of the state, is endowed with a great happiness.

Emomali Rakhmon

For twenty-four years our ancient and glorious people live in a sovereign, democratic and legal state. We are happy to have own state, living in peace, stability and tranquility.

History shows that not all people, despite their long struggle and the desire for independence, gained its statehood and sovereignty. Saving the achievements requires each of us the maximum efforts for the improvement and tranquility of our beloved country, respect for our language, spiritual values, honest work, patriotism, vigilance in the protection of our national and state interests.

The people of Tajikistan annually in a festive holiday atmosphere celebrates the Day of State Independence of the country as a sign of reverence that fateful and important date. The independence of our nation considered one of the most sacred national values. The day before and at the day of celebration throughout the country a variety of cultural, educational and political events are held, where on a review of visitors the achievements of the independence era are exposed, outlines the plans and prospects of further development of the country.

Today, glorious and hardworking people of Tajikistan, united around their President, creates favorable conditions for the steady development of all spheres of life of the country, is making constant efforts to strengthen the political, economic, social and cultural foundations of the state independence.

But, unfortunately, sometimes in the society penetrate the parasitic elements that lead underground lives outside society, they seek to divide the people and create a threat of existence of our nation and threaten our fundamental and vital values. They are not interested in our achievements, peace and stability, in our sustainable socio-economic development. They have not any value concepts such as «Homeland», «Mother», «Independence». They are mankurts who have forgotten their roots, their past, renounced its historical, national values, lost moral guidelines. In order to achieve their selfish and criminal designs they are willing to betray the motherland and the people.

More than 18 years our people having overcome heartrending and severe experiences of history, lives in an atmosphere of peace and stability, engaged in creative work. But recent events in the republic showed that the enemies of the nation could not reconcile with our achievements, they are like chameleons, pulling on the face masks, hide their true selves, they will not accept the idea of peace and unity, all their thoughts and actions are aimed at creating security risks of the country.

As a result of special operations law enforcement authorities and security forces managed to stop the actions of members of a terrorist group, they were blocked. The actions of the criminal group were led by former Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a member of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan Abduhalim Nazarzoda. The relevant authorities have established that he and the members of his armed group operated on a pre-planned scenario (plan).

Treacherous anti-constitutional actions on the eve of the State Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan disappointed our people. The terrorists wanted to bring dissonance in society, to create threat to our nationhood, peace and stability in the country.

On the other hand, our enemies worried about the growing of foreign direct investment, improvement of the investment climate in Tajikistan. Tranquility, political stability, sustainable development and progress of our homeland, the prospects for further social and economic development of the country caused alarm of enemies. By their treachery and provocative actions they wanted to sow discord in our society, to create threat to the unity and solidarity of the peoples of our country.

But fortunately in our society nowadays number of educated, self-sufficient, patriotic people who devoted to the motherland, to the idea of national unity prevails. The people of Tajikistan, wise thanks to history, will not allow to enemies to be manipulated, will not succumb to the intrigues of the alien elements, people are sure of the correctness of the chosen way and will fight with the enemies of the nation.

Despite the worsening of the situation and the desire to frighten people, the population of Tajikistan with a particular inspiration and happiness celebrated the 24th anniversary of the state independence, which was a worthy response of the intrigues of the visible and invisible enemies. The people again proved that terrorists and betrayers of the Homeland will not succeed implementation of their criminal intentions; they will not succeed to destabilize the political situation in the country and mislead the people.

We, Tajik people, endured a terrible civil war in the 90-s of last century. Our heavy losses in those days were the death of tens of thousands of our citizens, resulting in thousands mothers and women have lost their children, husbands; tens of thousands of children have lost their parents. Then our enemies managed to sow discord in our house, ignite the flames of war, but the Tajik people overcame severe ordeals of the history, due to its age-old wisdom put an end to the armed confrontation, imposed by the civil war.

Our enemies are cautioned that Tajikistan of the beginning of 90-s of XX century and modern Tajikistan are quite different. For 24 years of the state independence of the place of division and conflicts, symbolizing the tragedy, disaster and misfortune, peace and mutual understanding, national reconciliation and unity were established in our country, today for every citizen of the country independence is considered to be one of the most sacred national values. Nowadays Tajikistan reached great results in all spheres of life, is on the way of sustainable economic development and strengthening the foundations of statehood. We believe that the law enforcement and security agencies in Tajikistan are able to stop all the enemies that the organizers and participants of the criminal attacks will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

The entire population of the republic strongly condemns the anti-constitutional actions of the terrorist group, as evidenced by the extensive cooperation of people with the power structures of the country. Every resident of the country is aware that the development of society, the implementation of the aspirations and hopes of the people can only be realized in the case of the strength of peace stability and national unity in Tajikistan.

In modern contradictory world increases the threat of fanaticism, religious extremism, terrorism, there are explosions, fanned the flames of war, dying thousands of innocent people in different parts of the world. In such situation survive only those people who do not lose vigilance, not to succumb to the intrigues of alien interested groups it will strengthen political stability in the country.

In the current difficult circumstances, we must unite around our spiritual leader - the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, to support the concept of national unity which is put forward by him as one of the main elements of the national ideology. Nowadays it is necessary to pay special attention to the education of the younger generation, we should educate young people in the spirit of patriotism and civic consciousness.

The guarantee of the stability of the state independence of the country can be only such processes as: the formation of a new society based on respect for national values; the inception of the essential foundations of sustainable economic development; the creation of a reliable system of state finance; the creation of new models of social and economic relations; improving the level of cultural and political development of the population.

Teaching staff, collective staff and students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan strongly condemns the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 4, 2015, and expresses its sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of law enforcement officers, who were killed in the special operation to neutralize a terrorist group.

We consider the organizers and participants of this provocative attacks, who are essentially terrorists and extremists, betrayers of the motherland. There is no excuse and forgiveness of their criminal acts!