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ADDRESS of teaching-staff, collective staff and students of FEIT to the leadership of the IRP

ADDRESS of teaching-staff, collective staff and students of FEIT to the leadership of the IRP

In the current conditions of globalization, when the rapidly changing political, economic and social situation in society, when integration associations in various parts of the world get more influence, when the struggle of the superpowers for new geopolitical architecture of the world enhanced, for its new section, there are forces that are using existing internal confrontation in the society, lack of normal social and economic development strategies, rapid and sustained population growth, lack of jobs, poor education system and social support of the population, the growth of labor migration, the spread of infectious diseases and drug addiction among the population in a number of Islamic countries, continue to fuel both radicalism and political extremism, terrorism.

These forces are striving to increase the tension of the political situation in various regions of the world, to destabilize the situation in the countries, interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, supporting anti-constitutional actions of the opposition forces, and create a threat to peace and stability in some countries. It contributes to the growth of political and social tension in countries, draw the country into socio-economic and political crisis.

So-called «color revolutions», which replaced the legitimate authority in a number of states did not led to positive social, political and economic changes. On the contrary, «color revolutions» led to radical demolition of a way of life of the entire nations, these countries have changed the direction of development, in many places have inflamed ethnic and inter-ethnic conflicts, a large number of population was forced to migrate to other countries. Today in these countries, there is chaos and confusion, their social and political life paralyzed, there is no prospect of recovery and development of their economy.

In the current troubled and unstable conditions of the modern world and the tragic life of some peoples and nations, we must be vigilant not to succumb to the intrigues of the enemies; our efforts should be focused on uniting people, strengthening of political stability in the country. We must understand that our country can not be insured from the negative impact of the events in the world. Our task today is to strengthen national unity and political stability in the country.

Only through honest work we will overcome all the difficulties, realize our creative plans and intentions for the prosperity of native land, and the progress of our independent state. Today, all our efforts should be aimed at furthering the development of priority sectors of the country, to maintain a sustainable level of economic development, eliminating problems and defects, improving the quality of people's life.

The emergence of new centres of confrontation and conflicts in the Middle East and in other regions of the world (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia etc.), aggravation clash of geopolitical interests of the world superpowers, the unprecedented spread of international terrorism and organized crime, the spread of destructive extremist ideology, illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons, increasing environmental problems increase the value of the problems, related to national and regional security. We must take into account that extremism and other modern challenges threaten our fundamental and life values, existence of our independent state. The efforts of extremist and radical groups focused on the radicalization of our youth.

The terrorist radicalization and involvement of youth in violent extremism and terrorizm have not to leave any sensitive man indifferent; on the contrary, they should encourage him to fight against this plague and the protection of state, their native land from any terrible threats. To achieve their goals these movements widely used modern mass media, including - Internet and mobile communications. Today, we must strengthen explenatory work among young people, who should possess the knowledge and skills necessary for understanding and denial of these negative phenomena.

The countries faced with terrorism and extremism, experiencing disorders and severe socio-economic conditions; there is mass unemployment and inflation. Negative forces and movements under the slogan of of carrying out so-called «economic reforms» create economic and financial instability, interfere of economic growth of countries.

We worry that today religious extremism gains transnational and global character more and more. Some of the superpowers and their supporting forces are using Islam to destabilize the situation in different countries. To achieve their goals, they organized terrorist organizations and currents as «Hizb-ut-Tahrir», «Salafi», «Islamic Current of Uzbekistan», «Dzhamoat Ansorulloh», «Boko Haram», «Al Qaeda» and others. All of them are created in order to carry out terrorist activities and recognize the use of terror as a form of political struggle. As a result of the activities of these organizations, some countries have ceased to exist as a state.

The increasing of influence of the so-called terrorist organization «Islamic State» in Syria and Iraq have turned these countries into ruins. Its militants seek to capture new regions, destroying their cultural heritage, as well as to strengthen the radical ideology in the neighboring countries, that cause our concern. The special alarm is caused with that the religious extremism seeks to get into our country.

Today the question of religious and pseudo-religious trends, nonconventional for our people is particularly acute, that tend to aggravate the existing internal conflicts to destabilize the political situation in the countries, populated with Muslims, destroy the internal infrastructure of the states, to bring the country to a political crisis and financial collapse, destroy the social and economic system of the regions.

The tragedy is that often under cover of religionism actually certain political and financial forces work, the objectives of which are far from Islam and faith in general. Increasing of religionism promotes destruction of traditional foundations,leads to incitement of ethnic hatred, to violation of moral principles and civil consent, distribution slanderous, fabrications destabilizing the situation, creating panic among the population and commit other acts against the state.

It should be noted that in the growth of religious fanaticism and an exacerbation of internal conflicts in our society so-called Islamic movements and parties play a great role, which under the banner of Islam to discredit, distort Islam religion, mislead the people, creating conflicts, confrontation with the authorities. Their main objective is to sow discord in our society. They protest against government policies, strongly contribute to complicate the internal situation in the country and prevent the social and economic growth of the country, in every way to discredit the government of the republic. The Islamic Renaissance Party (IRP) contributes to growth and revitalization of the religious extremist movements in the Republic of Tajikistan. In this regard, the authorities of our country have stepped up efforts to identify and combat the activities of supporters of religious extremism. Ignoring repeated veiled statements of its leaders, the IRP has always sought to seize power in the country. In his dirty games they used the religious feelings of the population, have sought to expand their electorate.

The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan is opposition political party of Tajikistan, the only Islamist party, officially acting on the territory of Central Asia. On June 27, 1997 in Moscow following the signing of General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Reconciliation in Tajikistan IRP was amnestied and legalized. Despite the fact that the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has created all the conditions for the activities of the party, the IRP has recently begun to implement a new tactic, aimed at making the Islamic society in the country into an Islamic state. The approach of the IRP is in generally contrary to national values: to the civil and national positions, ethno-cultural customs, traditions and language. We are convinced that in future these forces could become a real threat to the secular power and Tajikistan will not exist as a state.

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the President of the country Emomali Rahmon created for the people of Tajikistan the majority of them are Muslims, all conditions for full and free commission of ceremonies and traditions of sacred Islam religion, necessary measures are taken for satisfaction of religious needs of people in the country, there are a large number of mosques. Now in the capital of Tajikistan there is the construction of the largest mosque in Central Asia which, according to plan, will accommodate up to 150 thousand people. The initiator of the construction of this mosque called in honor of Imom Tirmizi was the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. It should be noted that since independence the sacred book of Muslims - the Qoran was translated into Tajik language and published three times.

Unfortunately, the leadership of the IRP recently deals with provocations and mercenary intrigue. Some of the values which are promoted by the IRP incompatible with the secular character of the state and with the conditions of civil society in the Republic of Tajikistan. The IRP, as well as other extremist religious forces are not interested in the development of science and modern technology in sustainable peace and tranquility in the republic. These forces want to plunge the country into chaos and create a threat to peace and stability, for the sake of their interests aggravate the situation in the society.

The leaders of IRP under the name of Islam, for the dark and selfish political purposes were committed criminal acts over the years. Why the actions of the IRP were not directed at the creation and implementation of perspective programs of development? Unreasonable and adventurous appeal the supreme body of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan to international organizations can be interpreted only as another provocation and extremely selfish intrigue aimed at drawing the country into a new confrontation. It would be better that IRP spend time and energy to modernize the country, improve the investment climate of the country due to the active involvement of Islamic investment in our economy.

Why the IRP leadership does not like the economic policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan? What are the long-term programs have been put forward by the IRP, which would contribute to sustainable economic growth? The actions of the IRP creates the false idea that in the ranks of the party consists Nobel laureates that with the wave of the hand will achieve a sharp rise in the country's economy.

Teaching staff, staff and students of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan appeals to the people of the Republic of Tajikistan with the request to think about this problem, as in the future the forces such as the IRP, can become a real threat to the secular power, and Tajikistan will not exist as a state.

The leaders of the IRP, instead of to call the people of Tajikistan for unity and harmony, they destabilize the situation in the Republic, followed a dangerous and wrong way. All activities of the IRP recently aimed at reducing the image and authority of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the international arena. The leadership of IRP ignore the achievements of independence, does not recognize the experience of peacemaking and unity of our nation. In contrast, the efforts of the representatives of the party are aimed at the fragmentation of society, to create a threat to the existence of statehood in our land. In an era of great achievements that advanced countries lead the competition in space exploration, leadership and the members of the IRP engaged in persecution of scientists and creative intellectuals.

We are sure that the IRP with its pseudo-democratic slogans and anarchist views have to leave the political scene of Tajikistan.

Мир и стабильность в стране для нашего народа дороже всего. Он никогда не пойдет на поводу шантажа и угроз ПИВТ.

The leadership of the IRP can not deceive the people of Tajikistan by their false appeals and slogans, who survived the horrors of the civil war, to bring astray people, who has wise historical experience of the 90s of the ХХ century, when the economy of the country was completely destroyed and about million people were forced to leave their homeland, fled to neighboring countries to protect their and their children’s life. People do not fall for the tricks of speakers of the IRP. The people of Tajikistan will never allow to anyone disturb the peace, stability and integrity of the native land. The most expensive thing for our people is peace and stability in the country. It will never be led by the blackmail and threats of the IRP.

There is no secret that the destabilizing processes are always financed by interested external forces. Older people remember well how the acts of some groups and individuals at the beginning of 90s of last century, the land of our ancestors dragged into bloodshed, and our gained independence country in the flames of war. The war, financed by foreign countries, claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people. This war is not added respect and prestige of our nation in the international arena, but the damage caused by the fratricidal war, has reached more than 10 billion dollars.

Tajikistan, which until recently was burning in the flames of war, in a relatively short period of time developed into a strong state in terms of economy, culture, science and art. It was officially recognized as a developing country by numerous international organizations, it has become a member of international financial and political institutions. Tajikistan's experience in achieving peace and harmony in society recognized by the international community; the countries emerging from war, exploring the peaceful experience of Tajiks and influential world organizations recommend them to study the experience of stability in Tajikistan.

Of course, we still have problems, the solution of which requires time, but the government of the republic under the leadership of President of the country Emomali Rahmon has achieved political stability and sustainable socio-economic growth.

It is well known that all countries of the world are exposed to macroeconomic instability. Even the developed countries of Europe and America today are faced with the financial crisis and economic problems. But either scientist-economist, neither a Nobel laureate, could not specify the short and perfect way of modernization of the national economy. May be you, dear gentlemen - members of the IRP, with your prayers and conspiracies can change the situation? If so, hurry up!

We must not forget the tragedy that our people experienced. Each of us should be aware of the causes and factors of this war, remember that "thanks" to foreign writers, and play along with them to the internal opposition forces, fratricidal war has claimed the lives of thousands of our compatriots and millions became refugees, tens of thousands of children have been orphaned. But fortunately, our people realized everything quickly and put an end to hostility and confrontation, the people rejected hatred and revenge, thus saved the integrity of Tajikistan.

We still remember that it was the policies and actions of the IRP that led Tajkistan to national tragedy, plunged Tajikistan into the chaos of civil war, which killed many people and the country has suffered huge economic losses. Everything that happened in 90-s - the war, discord in society, economic collapse - all of this was a result of the activities of the IRP. The harm from its operations was obvious. It shoud be noted there is active religious propaganda among young people. The IRP members with their actions and propaganda discredit the ancient art, culture and science of the Tajik people, spread fanaticism and extremism, seek to divide the people of Tajikistan on religious characteristics, to set up the country's population against the policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Today for us the IRP lost its status as a political party. The claims put forward by the leadership of the IRP to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, are unfounded. All of the problems stem from the IRP's internal conflicts of the party. Participation in the legislative power is exercised through participation in general and democratic elections, and if the IRP was defeated in the political struggle and not get enough votes of electors, it should look for the cause of failure in their work, not in external intrigues and conspiracies. Why the leadership of the IRP does not want to understand that the people chooses its leaders and the party, to whom the people sympathizes. And if there is no need for the existence of this or that party, than it wil be excluded from the political arena of the country.

State serve to the people, it allows people to live in dignity, peace and stability in the country. The main task of the state is eliminating external and internal threats, ensuring national security.

Taking advantage of our civil rights and civilizational mission, ask the relevant government authorities to suspend the activities of the party, that seeks to destroy the economic foundations of the state, inciting inter-ethnic and inter-ethnic confrontation, a party that abuses the religious values that denigrates the shrines of Islam because of their political self-interest, creates a threat to peace and stability in Tajikistan. We think that we can not allow political parties activity, public organizations, non-governmental organizations aimed at reducing social and economic development of the republic, on the separation of society, the weakening national unity and understanding among people. Political parties at the basis of its activities should have a position of patriotism, national identity, transparency and mutual understanding.

We urge the leaders of the IRP if they really love their native land and their people, and if their primary aim is to achieve sustainable socio-economic development of Tajikistan, without engaging in distemper, leave the political arena of the country.

We, the Muslims of Tajikistan do not need another outlook or persuasion. We have a tolerant sense - Hanafi, the leader of which is Imom Azam (except for some traitors of native land). We call people to show solidarity, mutual understanding and the desire to concentrate all efforts on the prosperity of our nativeland, in order the progress and prosperity of our country provide the quiet life of our glorious people. We are confident that our people, who survived the events of the 90s, will not succumb to various provocations to destabilize the country. Peace and stability are the most expensive for all of us. We have to counter the intrigue and sectionalism, to unite with the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and to work for the future of our beloved Tajikistan, aspire to its prosperity, to the tranquility of people.

Teaching staff, collective staff and students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan encourages people of sovereign Tajikistan for decent future for any country to join and contribute to the strengthening of peace and unity, prosperity and development of our Nativeland!