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The Control provides productive work

The Control provides productive work

On September 26, 2015 an extended session of administration chaired by the Rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A.A. was held in FEIT. The Heads of all departments of the Institute took part at the meeting.The following issues were considered: «On the work on the improvement of the Institute» (speaker S. Kalandarov); «On the quality of using information and communication technologies in the learning process» (speaker Nadzhmiddinov A.); «On the quality of drawing up tests and timetables in 2015-2016» (speaker Nuraliev A.); «On observance internal Labor regulations of FEIT» (speaker Jihonov A.).

Vice-rector on Administrative and Economic affairs of FEIT Kalandarov S. made a speech on the first issue, who spoke about the work carried out on the improvement of Institute, repairing of educational buildings and dormitories, the acquisition of the necessary furniture and training manuals. He noted that the repair and purchase of necessary stock carried out on the basis of the tender.

The Head of the Center for Information and Communication Technologies Najmiddinov A., speaking on the second issue, reported on the technology, the quality of its use and the existing shortcomings in this sphere. He raised the issue before the administration of the Institute about the appointment of responsible persons in educational laboratories. This proposal was supported by the members of the institute administration.

The Head of Educational department Nuraliev A. noted that a special work was done for improvement of quality of tests and compliance of educational timetables to the existing requirements, but not for all new subjects are made tests. He charged to responsible persons to take measures for elimination of the shortcomings existing in this direction.

The Head of Human Resources Department A. Jihonov on compliance with internal Labor regulations by teachers and students pointed out that in the faculties there are violations of labor discipline by teachers. He proposed to dismiss a number of employees for the systematic violation of the requirements of internal Labor regulations of FEIT.

According to the current issues the rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A.A. made speech. The issues of quality of teaching and the using of technology and information tools in the learning process were consider at the meeting. Rector drew attention to the issue of the quality of training and education at the Institute. It was noted that the lessons are not always in line with existing requirements, not all teachers use teaching aids. The Heads of departments should pay special attention to the methods of teaching by young teachers, who do not always have the professional skills, to improve the quality of syllabus, to take measures to prepare for the planned international conference and the provision of scientific articles for publication in a scientific journal of FEIT.

The rector obliged responsible persons to eliminate noted shortcomings in the shortest possible time.

On the considered questions concrete decisions were made.

Sadullo Nosirov