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Enterprise Development is the Imperative of the Time

Enterprise Development is the Imperative of the Time

On October 10, 2015 within the celebration of the Entrepreneur’s Day a round table on the topic «Entrepreneurship - the driver of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan» was held in FEIT. The event was opened by Vice Rector on Science of FEIT Giyosiddin Ashurov.  He congratulated everybody with this holiday and emphasized the role of entrepreneurship in economic development in general. It was noted that entrepreneurship is one of the most important factors in the formation of economic development and improving of the welfare of the population.

Then the participants of the Round table heard the report of the Chairman of the National Association of Small and Medium Business of the Republic of Tajikistan Matluba Ulchaboeva on the theme «The role and importance of entrepreneurship in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan». Noting the important role and the importance of entrepreneurship in economic development of the republic, the speaker stressed that the state should pay special attention to the development and support of small and medium-sized business.

The Director of the Public Organization «Chashma» S. Imomnazarov, Head of the Economic Analysis Department of FEIT B. Muzaffarov, Senior Lecturer of this Department K. Shodiev, a second year student of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty Sharofat Khalilov also made speech on the topic of entrepreneurship development in the country

In the final part of the event the administration of the National Association of Small and Medium Business of the Republic of Tajikistan has transferred books in Tajik and Russian languages on a grant basis to the Institute's library, including: «The Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan», «Efficiency and Competitiveness», «What businessman should know» «The Bankruptcy of an individual entrepreneur», «600 questions and answers on taxes of the Republic of Tajikistan».

Nasrullo Tuychizoda