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The performance of FEIT Students in Rogun hydroelectric power station

The performance of FEIT Students in Rogun hydroelectric power station

On October 9, 2015 a group of employees, teachers and students from the number of volunteers under the leadership of the Rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Solehzoda A.A. visited the Rogun hydroelectric power station. The administration of Hukumat of Rogun district and JSC «Ragun HPS» greeted guests with honor.

Amateur student’s ensemble of FEIT acted with an interesting concert program to the builders. The students showed their talented performance of songs, dances, poems, theatrical scenes.

The Rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A.A. in his welcoming speech noted that the staff and students of the institute are aware of the importance of the construction of Rogun HPS, which has a value of construction of the century. The project implementation for the construction of the Rogun hydropower station will provide energy independence of Tajikistan and happy life of the population of the republic. For electricity generation Rogun will take a leading position in Central Asia, for the placement of underground units the Ragun HPS has no alternative in the world. Without a doubt, we can call the Rogun pride of the nation and a source of happiness for our people. It plays a pivotal role in the life of the Republic of Tajikistan. The development and progress in all spheres of life of our country are associated with the construction of the Rogun hydropower station, in other words, the construction of Rogun is a vital issue for Tajikistan. The Rogun hydroelectric power station has the school of the best practices and represents friendship and unity of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Rogun HPS can be an important factor in ensuring a decent life for the people of Tajikistan and solve the problem of providing electric power to the states of Central Asia.

The main achievement for all of us is the adoption of the project of the construction of Rogun HPS by World Bank. The Rogun HPS represents the unity of our people, connects the generations and is a symbol of prosperity of our motherland, - Solehzoda A.A. noted in his speech. Addressing to the builders, he praised their work, thanked the builders of the heroic labor and expressed confidence that the unshakable and strong will of the builders of Rogun hydroelectric power station are capable to complete construction of the strategically important building.

The administration of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan solemnly handed over the message of love and respect of the staff and students of FEIT and its logo to the chief of the Human Resources of JSC «Rogun HPP» Saydullo Abdulahadov.

In turn, the S. Abdulahadov on behalf of JSC «Rogun HPS» thanked the guests for their visit and presented the concert program.

It is well known that this construction is strategically important for our country, the exploitation of the Rogun hydropower station will not only increase the volume of electricity production, but will ensure energy independence of our country. However, Rogun HPS will solve the issue of providing electricity to Central Asia. The implementation of the project for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station will be carried out in stages and is already under construction will be put into operation the first units that will start the production of electricity. The design capacity of the station will be 3,600 MW, which will make it possible to meet the needs of Tajikistan and export electricity to other countries.

After the event, the teachers and students of FEIT thanked the administration of JSC «Rogun HPS» for the warm welcome and expressed the hope that his performance failed to bring joy to the builders and inspired them to new labor achievements.

Mashhura Abdulloeva