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International conference in kohi Navruz

International conference in kohi Navruz

On October 22, 2015 in kohi Nawruz at the initiative of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan within the project «Support of separate directions of reforms in the sphere of public finance management: Lot1» implemented with the financial support of the European Union, began its work international scientific and practical conference "From Policy to Practice of Research socio-economic indicators in the modern information epoch". The conference was attended by over 150 people, including scientists and experts in the sphere of finance and economics from foreign countries.

Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda opened the conference with a welcoming speech. He thanked the European Union for the technical assistance provided under the project «Support to individual areas of reforms in sphere of public finance management: Lot1» in organizing the conference and appreciated the assistance of the European Union in implementing reforms in the sphere of management of public finances and staff training system for the sector.

байналмилали4001.jpgFor the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan is a priority at this stage is the formation of a system of training of qualified personnel that meet international standards, and therefore in the implementation of the components of this project and the first phase of the project the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan was attracted. The second stage of the project envisages the improvement of the educational process and scientific research activities, as well as of the teachers of FEIT. A. Solehzoda noted that within the project, during 9 months, our teachers at professional development courses have been trained of advanced teaching methods. Activities in this direction are continuing.

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamshed Karimzoda, Head of the Science and Innovation of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Hurshed Ziyoev, Chairman and executive secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Project «Support to individual areas of reforms in the sphere of public finance management: Lot1» Mio Nyunt, Head of Department for Policy, Press and Information of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Tajikistan Margus Solnson made speech at the conference. All speakers talked about the relevance of the topic, discussed by the participants of the conference, and wished to the work of the conference success.

байналмилали04001.jpgAt the plenary session of the conference made a speech the following: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of Gaidar Institute of Economic Policy (Russia) Drobyshevsky S.M. on the theme «A new look at the forecast of socio-economic processes», Head of the Practical Informatics department of Economic University of Kazakhstan Laura Baitenova on the theme «Modern information technologies in educational space».

In the section «Macroeconomic modeling of socio-economic processes» made speech: the Advisor to the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Wolfgang Boehme, Ph.D. on Economic Sciences, a senior economist at GIZ in Tajikistan Igor Eremenko, PhD. on Economic Sciences, an expert in macroeconomics of Project «Support to individual areas of reforms in the sphere of public finance management : Lot1» Maftuna Khakimova and PhD in Economic Sciences, expert on macroeconomics of the project Parviz Gafurov.

It should be noted that the main objective of the conference was the presentation of the scientific achievements of scientists and experts, made in cooperation of FEIT and Project «Support to individual areas of reforms in the sphere of public finance management: Lot1» funded by the European Union mission in the direction of the management of public finances and training of qualified personnel meeting the requirements of the international labor market.

The FEIT role in the implementation of the Project is shown, above all, in its transformation into a center of research of the socio-economic processes, as evidenced by the organization and conducting of such conferences.

On October 23 conference will continue its work.

Mashhura Abdulloeva