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Consideration of issues related to the modeling of socio-economic processes

Consideration of issues related to the modeling of socio-economic processes

On October 23 an international scientific-practical conference «From policy to practice of research the socio-economic indicators in the modern information epoch», initiated by the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan within the framework of the project «Support to individual areas of reforms in the sphere of public finance management: Lot1» implemented under financial support of the European Union, continued its work in kohi Nawruz.

In the section «Macroeconomic modeling of socio-economic processes» with interesting scientific reports made speech scientists and experts. Including: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service of Tajikistan Juraboev G.J. on «Prediction of macroeconomic indicators of industrial production in the Republic of Tajikistan», Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, an independent expert Parviz Khakimov on «The Impact of income growth and population in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Tajikistan», PhD in Economic Sciences, Head of the Economics Department of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service of Tajikistan Faridun Mahmadaliev on «Econometric modeling and evaluation of influencing factors on the shadow economy of the Republic of Tajikistan», PhD on Economic Sciences Asadullo Ismatov on «The Impact of capital expenditure to current public expenditure by sectors», Doctor of Economics, professor of FEIT Manzura Koshonova on «Model of employment in labor-surplus region of the Republic of Tajikistan»", Ph.D. on Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of Insurance Department of FEIT Sadihudzha Madiev on «Modeling of demographic behavior for state regulation of the economy», Ph.D. on Economics, Vice-Rector for International Relations of FEIT Bahrom Safarov on «Modeling of foreign economic activities of the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan» and others.

In the debate teachers and students of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan actively participated. They made specific proposals on the discussed issues.

конфронс4001.jpgIt should be noted that the conference was organized at the highest level. The conference program included consideration of such problems: macroeconomic modeling of socio-economic processes; a new vision of forecasting of social and economic processes; comparative analysis of monetary and fiscal policy of the Republic of Tajikistan and the development of these processes on the basis of modeling; specific problems of forecasting of financial risks; modeling of interbranch balances; support of reforms in public finance management; industrial production and the development of other sectors of the economy; improving financial and monetary relations; modeling of demographic processes and the use of demographic processes in the development of international relations and others.

Organization and carrying out of such scientific conferences can certainly contribute to the development of various sectors of the economy of the republic, as production, distribution, implementation of the various operations and organization of consumption of material goods in our era have increasingly growing contradictions, by virtue of which is the need to process their research and study. The purpose of the conference is to present the results of certain research activities of FEIT staff, achieved with the financial support of the European Union, which involve modeling of the above mentioned processes using the latest technologies.

Rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Ashurboy Solehzoda summed up the work of the conference, who expressed satisfaction with the results of its work. He stressed that the conference was the first step in organizing a kind of arena of international disputes, where were discussed problems of social-economics processes at the international level. He expressed hope that the joint activity in this direction will be continued.

The participants of the conference in the process of discussing the problems were put forward interesting proposals and recommendations on various aspects of practical research, which will be forwarded for consideration to the relevant institutions and authorities of the country.

Mashhura Abdulloeva