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The work of scientific circles become more productive

The work of scientific circles become more productive

On October 28, at the initiative of the Economic Theory Department of FEIT, a regular meeting of the scientific student circle «Young Economists», on theme «Analysis of macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2014-2015» was held. The Head of the Economic Theory Department Fakhriddin Ubaidov opened the circle, who expressed his thoughts on the topic. He said that modern specialist must possess not only the knowledge, but also certain creative skills for solving practical problems. This research activity allows students to more fully demonstrate creativity and willingness to self-realization. In order to involve students in research activities, we decided to bring to the discussion of the most pressing problems of our economy, and analyze the state macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2014-2015, - noted F. Ubaydov.

Then F.Ubaydov presented to the participants of the circle the leader and the executive secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Project «Support to selected areas of public finance management reforms: Lot1» Myo Nyunt, who made a presentation on theme «The role and essence of macroeconomic and modeling in the coordination and development of the economy of individual countries». The speaker answered to numerous questions of the students.

Also, presentations were made by the teachers of this department: Ubaidov F. on «Trends of Economic Development », N. Murtazoev on «State Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan», Sh. Khamrokulov on «Сrises and their impact on individual sectors of the economy»,  Jabborova M. on «Consumer Price Indices», S. Ismailova on theme «Analysis of import and export in the Republic of Tajikistan», M. Tosheva on theme «The main objectives of investing», Sattorov E. on theme «The labor market and the state of remittances», Negmatov J. on the topic of «Energy capacity of the Republic of Tajikistan» and others. In the circle attended second-year students of all faculties of FEIT. They got answers to their questions about the state of the country's macroeconomic indicators.

In the final part of the event the leader and executive secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Project «Support to selected areas of public finance management reforms: Lot1» Myo Nyunt said that the specialists of the program Khakimova M. and Gafurov P. can provide scientific assistance in the implementation of programs developed by the students.

The students were informed that all scientific and statistical conclusions of the authors are in electronic format at the department and they can take advantage, with this issue they should apply to the Head of the scientific circle of the department  Balhov D.

Balkhov Davlatmamad

Head of the scientific student’s circle of Economic Theory Department