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The essence of management in the customs authorities

The essence of management in the customs authorities

The next meeting of scientific circle of future customs officers was devoted to the control of customs authorities.

The problem of effective management, being one of the most actual and practically important problems in the customs service requires professional knowledge and skills. Only qualified specialists with good knowledge and rich spiritual world and the power of will can work at the customs agencies - noted in his speech the head of the Customs Activity Department Kudratullo Mirakov.

The head of the circle, the instructor of the department Zafar Halimhonov noted that the essence of management, first of all, is the right choice and placement of personnel in the effective coordination of the management process, proper selection and use of the forms, principles and management mechanisms.

The students of the «Customs business» specialty Olisomon Khojiev, Meroj Rakhimov and Tojiddin Ashurov made the reports on this topic. They answered to numerous questions of the circle participants.

The meeting of the circle took place at the creative atmosphere that allowed students to gain knowledge on the chosen topic.

Mashhura Abdulloeva