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Discussion about Commercial banks problems

Discussion about Commercial banks problems

On November 5, 2015 at the initiative of the Banking Department the regular meeting of student circle, acting at the department was held. The topic «Solvency problems of modern commercial banks» was discussed at the meeting. Head of the Banking Department H. Sandalov opened the work of circle. He noted that for the solution of the problems related to the solvency of commercial banks today need to resolve the issue of training of highly qualified personnel that meet modern requirements. The active participation of students in the academic circles contributes to solving this problem.

The following presentations were made by: Assistant of this department Rakhimov O. on topic «The role of international banks in the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan»; the 4th year student of the specialty «Banking» Soliev N. on the topic «Problems of solvency of modern commercial banks»; Rakhimova D. on «Scientists about monetary policy»; O. Zoyirov on «Ensuring the safe operation of commercial banks in modern conditions».

It was noted that the involvement of external loans, particularly loans from international banks, plays a huge role in the ensuring of economic growth of the country. Funds raised in accordance with the national strategy for the implementation of public investment projects are used in main sectors of the economy. For any country to be a member of international financial institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank is of great importance. Today Tajikistan is a member of the most prestigious international financial institutions; their investments create conditions for sustainable economic growth.

Khusrav Muhiddinov