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Training courses «Teaching skills». The second group listeners take examination.

Training courses «Teaching skills». The second group listeners take examination.

01.11.2016. The teachers take an exam in pedagogy and psychology.
We reported about the beginning of the second stage of short-term training course «Teaching skills». 30 teachers of the institute participated in this course, including the heads of departments, who were acquainted with a new method of learning and teaching, as well as the basics of educational psychology.
During the training there were discussions between students on the topic elimination of existing problems in education, the ways to improve education, improve the quality of teaching.
Regardless of short-term course, 29 participants showed good results in examinations.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), associate professor Nosirov S.Sh, Head of monitoring and management of the quality education of FEIT Kholboboev R. and the expert of the same department Temurov F.S. took exams.

Khisrav Mukhiddinov