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The best reader

The best reader

As it is known, the book is a source of knowledge and selfless man's best friend. Only reading will allow students to increase their knowledge, form skills to meet future specialty.
In order to determine the best reader and increase the number of library users by order of the rector of FEIT from 11.01.2016 №3/ the competition «The best reader of the year» was organized at the Institute. On January 14, 2016 the department on Research work and scientific library of FEIT summed up the competition results. 16 best students, selected from all faculties participated at the final stage of the competition.
The terms of the competition included: reading a large number of books; timely return books to the library; following the rules on how to use the library of FEIT. Also, participants answered intellectual questions.
On the results of the competition the first place took a 4th  year student of the of Finance and Credit Faculty Mallaeva Manzura, the second place jury awarded to the 4th year student of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty Tabarov Ahliddin, the third place took the student of the same faculty Sharofat Khalilova.
At the end of the competition Vice-Rector for Science of FEIT Giyosiddin Ashurov congratulated the winners and wished them success in their future studies. 

Khisrav Muhiddinov