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The advanced training in FEIT is considered obligatory

The advanced training in FEIT is considered obligatory

From 25 to 27 January, 2016 short courses on the studying of principles and methodology of the credit system of study were held in FEIT, organized as part of measures aimed at implementing the guidelines and recommendations of the Founder of Peace and Harmony, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, arising from its annual Address to Parliament. On the first day of the course Vice- Rector for Academic work of FEIT Shukrullo Hairov, noting the need of organizing the training course, introduced the participants with the Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Tajik State University of Commerce Narzullo Sanginov, who was invited to train FEIT teachers.
In the beginning of his speech Sanginov N. gave comprehensive information on the positive and negative aspects of the Soviet education system, the education system in America, Europe and the East. He noted the aim of transition to the credit system of education and entry into a single educational space.
The purpose of the transition of the institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan to the credit system of education is to improve the self-development and creative assimilation of knowledge on the base of the individualization of the students training. Sanginov N. spoke about the principles and methods of the system. The examples were given from the experience of the universities and the ways of eliminating some of the shortcomings.
The course participants from among the teaching staff, the Heads of departments, the Heads of the faculties got answers to their many questions. The following aspects of the credit system of training such as: technique scoring, summing up examinations, the number of credits and its complexity, the features of lectures and practical exercises, the use of games in learning process etc. were clarified at the course.
Among the lecturer and the audience was an interesting dialogue about the technology of training, curriculum elaboration, the qualitative restructuring of teachers work, as well as to change the methods and techniques of teaching.
The Professor of the Technological University of Tajikistan Toshmatov M.N. made a report on the topic «The Features of Implementation of the Credit System Training, taking into account the World Experience», in which gave detailed information about the experience of implementing system in the mentioned university. Also he spoke about the Bologna system, the features of a single educational space, the elaboration of model of quality of training for each discipline, the effective using hours for individual students work.
In the final part of the course invited experts discussed the current problems of the credit system of training related to finance and stressed that their decision is the responsibility of the university.
It is necessary to implement a new educational system taking into account national circumstances.
On January 27, Vice-rector for Academic Work of FEIT Khairov Sh.K., summarizing the results of short-term courses on the credit system of education, noted its role in improving the educational process and improving the efficiency of work of subjects of the educational process - the teacher and the student.

Sadullo Nosirov