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The Factors Affecting the Condition of Agriculture

The Factors Affecting the Condition of Agriculture

January 28, 2016 a scientific-theoretical conference on theme «The Impact of Ecological, Economic and Social Factors in the Sustainable Development of Agriculture» was held in the Finance and Economics Institute Tajikistan. The scientists, experts in the field of agriculture and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan attended at the conference. The conference was opened with an opening speech of Vice-Rector for Science of FEIT Giyosiddin Ashurov. He noted that the studied conference topic comes from the problems mentioned by the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his Address to the Parliament.
Then, PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shotemur Tavakkal Jabborov made a report on theme «The Impact of Condition and Achievements of Crop Production on the Economic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan». He noted that the volume of grain production in the Republic of Tajikistan per capita amounted to 159.6 kg, and the level of productivity - 26 quintals per 1 hectare. He stressed the need to ensure the industry's new technologies, which may contribute to the development of agriculture.
Then, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Natural Science Department of FEIT Ahmad Haitov made a report on «The Impact of the Condition and Achievements of livestock on the Economic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan», who marked the achievements and shortcomings of the industry.
The speakers: Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, the member of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Rustam Kudratov, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor of the Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shotemur Rakhimbek Nosirov, an expert in the field of Ecology Hassan Asoev spoke on theme «The Impact of the Ecological, Economic and Social Factors for Sustainable Development of Agriculture» and analyzed the current state of the industry. They suggested the ways to eliminate existing problems. The importance of the diversification of the agricultural sector, increasing production of export production, ensuring food security and sustainable economic development of the republic was marked at the conference.
The conference was organized by the initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation of the Institute, and the Natural Sciences Department.

Khisrav Muhiddinov