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Students of the institute came back from the NEUK

Students of the institute came back from the NEUK

International Relations Department of FEIT brings to your attention that the students of our institute - Davlatov Mahmudjon, Zokirov Abdumalikjon, Firuza Babieva and Guljanov Rajabali, who  studied at the New Economic University named by T. Ryskulov from September 2015 to January 2016 (autumn term of 2015-2016 Academic year), came back to institute with high achievements. During their studies at the New Economic University our students actively participated in many different activities such as international conferences, seminars, lectures of scientists and round table and got new experiences. They also introduced with new people and customs of other nations. As one of these students Guljanov Rajabali said:  "Every day we used to meet new people. They were from Spain, Russia, Japan and other countries. We learned a lot about their history, customs and national holidays". During their studies at the NEU our students could raise the status of FEIT.
It should be noted that the Institute continues its work on exchange programs for students and in the future it intends to continue the program and send students of the Institute not only to the universities of Central Asia and Russia, but to American and European universities as well. Also in 2015-2016 Academic year the Institute intends to send 8 students to New Economic University of Kazakhstan, 1 student to Almaty Management University and 8 students to Pskov State University.
We hope that our students with their knowledge and exemplary behavior will raise high not only the status of the institute, but the status of our country as well.

International Relations Department of FEIT