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Orthography classes for Teachers

Orthography classes for Teachers

From 28 to January 30 at the initiative of the administration of the Institute and for the implementation of the law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan» short-term courses on learning spelling rules of the state language was organized for teachers of FEIT. The classes were held by the teachers of the Tajik and Russian languages Department S.Sobirjonov, H. Kurbonov, M. Sirojev.
The training program consisted of the basic rules of spelling of the Tajik language. Course participants discussed the mistakes made in the design of banners, billboards and official documents. The basic rules of spelling of the state language were explained using slides, including the using of the special features of the sounds of the Tajik language, the ways of forming plural forms in the Tajik language, etc. At the end of the course for the purpose of determining the level of literacy the teachers of the institute wrote the dictation.
The purpose of this course is to increase knowledge of spelling and teaching the correct compilation of official documents in the state language. 

Mashkhura Abdulloeva