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Email Faculties The Departments Project "Development of Higher Education" Finance - TSUFE Accreditation Erasmus+/DigEco




On February 10, 2016 to study the Address of Founder of Peace and Accord, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to the Majlisi Oli the event for students was organized at Management and Finance Law Faculty of FEIT.
The Candidate of political sciences Jurakhon Sharipov and Candidate of historical sciences, Associate professor of Humanities Sirodjiddin Emomov expressed their opinion on the importance of the Address. They noted that the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his speech pointed out that ensuring the long-term development of the country, first of all, depends on young people. In connection with it is necessary to achieve the comprehensive development of the national consciousness, patriotism and raise political and legal education of adolescents and young people, it is necessary to strengthen the fight against dissent, terrorism and extremism, promote the role of youth in the country's development, the protection of law and order.
In this Address the Founder of Peace and Accord, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of  Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon noted the need to take measures for the sustainable development of the sphere of education as a priority area of social policy, which is directly related to the widespread implementation of modern technologies, the development of the exact sciences, the study of foreign languages.
The students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Farangis Khojieva and Afzalbii Ibrokhim directly present during the speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Address to the Majlisi Oli, shared their impressions of participation in such an important political event. They called on their peers to be socially active and not remain away from the political life of the country.

Mashkhura  Abdulloeva