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Fatherland Defender Day Celebration

Fatherland Defender Day Celebration

On February 23, 2016 in honor of the 23rd anniversary of the National Army of the Republic of Tajikistan a solemn event was held in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solekhzoda opened the meeting with a congratulatory speech. He noted that today the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan represent an efficient structure. For 23 years, our National Army protects the security of the state. Fatherland Defenders cherish peace, stability and tranquility of our society as the apple of the eye.
Today, our youth should be brought up in the spirit of patriotism, valor and courage, to know and to appreciate the rich history of their land, to recognize that service to the Fatherland is sacred filial duty and the mission of men, stand in defense of the Fatherland. We should be proud of our Armed Forces, who are making a huge contribution to the security of our country and the entire region - said A. Solekhzoda.
IHV4001.jpgThe Head of the Economic Law Department, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of soldiers-internationalists of FEIT Saidali Khaitov made a speech on topic «National Army - the guarantor of security of the state». He spoke about the history of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan and their role in ensuring state security and the preservation of sovereignty. It was emphasized that the National Army today is a powerful force that can provide a quiet life for our people.
The competition for the best wall newspaper dedicated to the National Army Day was summed up at the event. The first place was awarded to the Accounting and Statistics Faculty on winning 178 points. The second place was shared by the Management and Finance Law Faculty and Master's Department. The third place was taken by the Finance and Credit Faculty, and the International Economic Relations Faculty. The winners were awarded with diplomas.
The ceremony ended with a festive concert of amateur ensemble of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, headed by Juramurodi Muhammadnazar. The concert program consisted of satirical scenes, poems and songs on patriotic theme.
The event was held in an atmosphere of patriotism, love of country and pride for the country. It should be noted that such events play an invaluable role in the civil and patriotic education of students.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva