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In Khatlon the interest of applicants increased to continue education in FEIT

In Khatlon the interest of applicants increased to continue education in FEIT

In accordance with the order of the rector of FEIT from 16.02.2016,  №15/R in order to attract applicants to continue studies at Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan in 2016-2017 academic year, from 22 to 29 February, 2016  the group of teachers of the Institute went to business trip to the regions of the Republic.
Including the Head of the Publications Department of Institute Nosirov S.Sh. visited the secondary schools of the towns and districts of Khatlon region. He talked with applicants in Kurgan-Tube, in Bohtar and Vakhsh districts in Sarband, in districts named after A. Jami and J.Rumi in Kabadiyan district, in Shahrituz, Panj, Kumsangir, Khuroson districts, in the district named after Nosiri Khisrav, in the Javan region. He expressed his opinion on the results of his talks with graduates of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of the above regions.
During a business trip, he met with the Head of the Education Direction of Khatlon region Hokimhon Valizoda and staff of the Direction, with the Heads of Education departments of districts and towns of Khatlon region, members of the public. During the meeting, the graduates got information about the institute, realized directions of preparation and profiles, organization of educational and extracurricular activities in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, fields of professional activity of graduates. He presented the presentation material, including several numbers of the institute publication «Moliya va iktisod». The representative of the Institute answered numerous questions of graduates and teachers.
After familiarization with the training conditions in FEIT, information about the professional equipment and material and technical base of the institute the graduates of secondary schools of Kurgan-Tube, Bohtar districts, Panj, Kumsangir, J.Rumi and Javan expressed a desire after graduation of school to enter to the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan and become specialists in the field of finance and economics.
S. Nosirov also spoke with the members of the financial departments of districts and towns of Khatlon region on getting the second professional higher education and opportunities provided by FEIT in this direction.
The crowded hall showed that the graduates and their parents are not indifferent to the choice of profession and seriously preparing for the entrance exams, - concluded Nosirov S.Sh.  

Mashkhura Abdulloeva