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The contest «Shining Beauty» was held in FEIT

The contest «Shining Beauty» was held in FEIT

On March 1, 2016 to implement the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the RT a festival - contest «Shining Beauty» was held in the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
The jury consisted of: Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Zulfiya Davlatzoda, Chairman of the artisans Union of Central Asia Mukarrama Kayumov, the Teacher at the Institute of Art and Culture of Tajikistan named after Mirzo Tursun-Zade Soro Rakhimova, the Head of Youth, Sport and Tourism department of Government of Sino district Abdullo Davlatzoda. They summed up the results of the contest.
Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda in his speech noted that clothing is one of the elements, which represents the nation and national culture. The organization of such events contributes to improving the clothing culture and the formation of art dressing in students, the preservation of national values.  
JHD400.jpgThe students of six faculties participated at the festival-contest, they presented the children's clothing, casual wear, seasonal collection, festive costumes made of national material in a modern interpretation.
Contest participants showed their imagination and individuality. The collections presented by them were distinguished by original designer decisions.
The Education department and the advisors of the faculties made a great work in the festival- contest.  
The participants of the contest sang the song «Gulduzi» and won the great interest and appreciation of the jury, the singers won a ticket to participate in the third round of the festival- contest.
The jury members selected the best samples of clothing, which will be shown at the republican contest. Also at the republican contest «Shining Beauty» will be presented the best concert performances.
It should be noted that the organization of such contests and festivals has a huge role for the preservation of national traditions, the revival of our best customs, promotion of the national cultural heritage, identifying young talents and promotes the aesthetic education of students.

Mashkhura  Abdulloeva