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The staff represents the country

The staff represents the country

03/10/2016. Assembly Hall of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. It is very symbolic that the meeting of the Heads of government of districts of Sugd region with the students of the institutes of capital, who came to study from the Sugd region, coincided with the coming spring.
Including on the initiative of the Executive agency of the state authority of Mountain Matcho district a meeting with the students of institutes of the capital who came to study from Matcho district was held. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the District Mountain Matcho Muhammajobir Rajabzoda, Deputies of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Olimjon Salimzoda and Nurullo Okilzoda, writer Mirzo Shukurzoda, Chief editor of journal «Adab» Shodi Shokirzoda, Honored Artist of Tajikistan Lola Azizova, Doctor of Medical Sciences Muhammadnazir Rasulov, Doctor of Historical Sciences Saifullo Mullojonov, other representatives of science and literature.
Rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Ashurboy Solehzoda welcomed the guests and noted that such meetings contribute to improving the quality of the educational process. He positively assessed the quality of the FEIT students' progress, who came to study from the mentioned mountain region, and noticed that they take an active part in the social life of the Institute.
Vmachoh4001.jpgIn his speech, Chairman of the Mountain Matcho district Muhammadjobir Rajabzoda noted that 470 students from Matcho district currently study at the institutes of the country, 137 of them are girls. 140 students study under the quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2015, 307 people graduated the secondary schools of the district, 110 graduates entered universities through the National Test Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, 22 graduates entered universities under the quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and study successfully. Also the Chairman of the district noted a great role of the model families in decent upbringing generation that can make a tangible contribution to the development of the country.
The guests speaking at the meeting, urged the youth to study, to take the initiative and patriotism, not to lose a sense of responsibility to the Motherland, be exacting to themselves. It was noted that the development of the country depends on the degree of preparedness of personnel, the level of their professionalism, so students should constantly strive for self-improvement and self-development, to achieve their goals.
On behalf of the students  made a speech the Master of the Tajik Philology Faculty of the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda Niyozi Kishvarshokh, the students of 3 course of FEIT Kiyomiddin Yorov and Dilovar Koziev, who thanked the organizers of this meeting. One of the students suggested to organize near the Mountain Matcho the secondary school with Russian and English languages of training that the pupil could study in the language chosen by them.
At the artistic part of the event the talented singer Lola Azizova and amateur ensemble of the Culture department of the district showed the interesting performances.
At the end of the meeting on behalf of the Executive agency of the State authority of Mountain Matcho district all 240 students, representing the district  were awarded cash prizes, also lunch was organized for them. The help in a type of food products was provided for the students living in hostels.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva