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Analysis of ensuring food security

Analysis of ensuring food security

On March 12, 2016 at the initiative of the Economic Analysis Department, a Round table on the topic «Analysis of food security and access for the population of the Republic of Tajikistan to acquire high-quality food» was held.
At the event made presentations: Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of RT, the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Executive apparatus of President of the Republic of Tajikistan Pirizoda Jalil Safar on the topic «The Ways of ensuring food security in the Republic of Tajikistan», Doctor of Economics Science, professor, Deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Rustam Kudratov on topic «The main directions of food security and access of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan to acquire high-quality food», Doctor of Economics Science, Professor of the Management and Entrepreneurship Department of Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shotemur on topic «Sustainable development of agricultural sector is the basis of food security».
Tahlil4001.jpgThe authors of the reports noted that there are many ways and methods of ensuring food security, including: increasing in output of agricultural production, the development of crop production, seed production, breeding of pedigree animals, rational use of land, technical support of agricultural sector and others.
It turned out from the presented statistical data, the volume of agricultural production in the country increased by 3.3% in 2015. Speaking about the export of agricultural products, the roundtable participants noted that in 2015, 700 thousand tons of grain was produced in the republic, and the republic was imported 570 000 tons of wheat and 210 thousand tons of flour.
As Pirizoda Jalil Safar noted, at present time the population of the country is completely provided with potatoes and other vegetables of national production, only 20% of fruits are imported into the country from abroad, 477 tons of potatoes were exported for the first time this year.
Food security and access of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan to acquire high-quality food is a strategic goal and part of the national security of the country, - summed up the roundtable participants.

Mashhura Abdulloeva