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The Role of Information Technologies in Social and Economic Spheres

The Role of Information Technologies in Social and Economic Spheres

On March 30, 2016 at the initiative of the Science and Innovation Department and the Informatics Department a seminar on topic «The role of information technologies in social and economic spheres» was held in FEIT. Vice-Rector for Science G. Ashurov opened the seminar and noted the important role of information technology in the development of all sectors of the life of society in modern conditions. In the current conditions of science development one person using advanced technology, can do several tasks at the same time, - summarized G. Ashurov.
Then Professor of the Mathematical Modeling department F. Mirzoahmedov made a report on the theme «Information technologies in economy». As noted by the speaker, information technologies, beginning with the era of its formation, that is, the emergence of hand technologies (the emergence of books, pen, mail) and before the advent of network technology (e-government, work on the internet, e-commerce, e-money, etc.), six stages were passed in its development. In modern conditions the information technologies are an integral part of daily life of people.
Also, the participants of the seminar listened to the report of the Head of the Information Technology Department of the Agency on social insurance and pensions under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Naskov D. on theme «Information technology in the system of social insurance and pensions». He noted that in the system of the pensions of the Republic of Tajikistan several computer programs are used that allow to use the automated system of pension accounting of the citizens effectively; it is much simplified the work of the agency staff. Using of information technology contributed to the fact that now for registration of pensions among pensioners a minimum of documents are required.
Thus, the problems of using information technologies and its role in the development of social spheres and economy were discussed at the seminar.

Khisrav Mukhiddinov