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The role of mathematics in economy

The role of mathematics in economy

On March 31, 2016 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the state Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan at the initiative of the Higher Mathematics Department and Science and Innovation Department of FEIT scientific-methodical conference on theme «The role of mathematics in the economy» was held.
The head of the Science and Innovation department of FEIT Kutbiddin Mukimov opened the conference, who noted that the essence of mathematics is mainly manifested in the process of its practical application. Mathematics and mathematical principles are widely used in physics, mechanics, chemistry and medicine. One of the most important interdisciplinary directions is the interaction of economy and mathematics. The aim of this conference is in consideration the role of mathematics in the economy - noted K. Mukimov.
Then, the scientific reports were made by: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of  Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of  TSMU Homid Majidov on theme «Natural sciences and its relationship with the economy»; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of FEIT Nurullo Usmonov on theme «Using mathematics to solve some microeconomic problems»; Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate Professor of Mathematics in Economy department of  the Business and Entrepreneurship Institute of Tajikistan Boboali Sharipov on theme «The Application of the equation system in total differentials in the solving of some tasks of the economy».
The speakers noted that the mathematics appeared due to human demand, developed together with it and always in close relationship with the economy. Using mathematical formulas provides achievements of economic goals, - was noted in the reports. The specific examples on the using of the definite integral for calculating the additional income of the buyer, the using of the definite integral to find capital on new investments and using the definite integral in solving financial problems were given.
The speakers called on the students to depth studying of mathematics, because it is impossible to become a good economist without deep mathematical knowledge.
In the debate made speech the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor of the Business and Entrepreneurship Institute of Tajikistan Safarali Kurbonshoev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Head of the Higher Mathematics Department of the Technical University named after M.Osimi of Tajikistan Makhmadi Sadriddinov, Professor of the  Higher Mathematics department Rashid Rakhimov, the Head of the Higher Mathematics department  Bakhtiyor Saidov, the teacher of this department Abubakr Kabirov and the Head of the Economic Law Department of FEIT Saidali Khaitov, who noted the important role of mathematics in economy.
The conference has been continued in sections of higher mathematics, probability theory, mathematical statistics, econometrics and economic analysis, where were discussed the questions of using different mathematical methods in economic analysis, the methods of econometric modeling in economy, etc.
Thus, the work of the conference was held at a high organizational and scientific level. The work of the conference was successful by the fact that the materials of the reports were pre-published and distributed to its participants before the meeting.
The scientifically based suggestions of the participants of the conference will be presented to the relevant structures.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva