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The role of art in the formation of spiritual culture

The role of art in the formation of spiritual culture

On April 6, a regular meeting of the scientific-educational circle «Farhangdust» was held in FEIT. It was very interesting. The theme which the participants of the circle discussed, forced students and teachers to think about some of the issues of spiritual and moral education.
The Head of Science and Innovation department of FEIT Kutbiddin Mukimov and assistant professor of Humanities department Gulomjon Mirzoev opened the circle. This was the fifth meeting of the circle.
The participants of the meeting listened with particular interest the report of the Head of Philosophy Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law Institute named after A. Bahovaddinov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Philosophy Sadullo Rahimov on topic «The role of skill and professionalism in the formation of spiritual culture». The speaker considered bthe problems of the role of the Tajik intellectuals in the development and updating of cultural thinking, the development of theatrical art and cinema, visual arts, aesthetic education of youth, attracting the attention of the younger generation to study the history of our people and honoring of national values.
We, the representatives of intellectuals, have to attract the younger generation to study the history of our Homeland, appreciate and protect the cultural heritage of our nation. There are new requirements in modern conditions. Today we must look at the world with new view and realize that our responsibility before the history and future descendants it disproportionately great, - summarized his speech S. Rahimov.
In the final part of the meeting the teachers of the institute expressed their view on these issues.

Nasrullo Tuichizoda