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The results of research work contribute to the improvement of social life

The results of research work contribute to the improvement of social life

As it was reported, on April 22 Scientific-theoretical conference on the results of the research activity of the students and the staff of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was held in FEIT.
The teachers, students, undergraduates participated at the conference in the 10 sections.
On April 25 the results of the conference were summed up: the chiefs of the sections reported to the rector of FEIT A. Solekhzoda. The following reports were listened: the chief of the Economy, Management and Finance section F. Ubaydov, chief of Banking, securities market and insurance section H. Sandalov, the chief of the Financial and economic law section S. Haitov, the secretary of the section Taxes and customs business F.Davlatov , the chief of the Mathematics and natural Sciences section N. Usmonov, the secretary of the  Accounting, analysis, audit and statistics section K. Shodiev, the secretary of the Humanities section F. Safarzoda, the chief of the Tajik and Russian languages section M. Rahmonov, the secretary of the Information technology, informatics and modeling section U. Vohidov, the teacher of the Physical culture and civil defense department T. Elamonov. They reported on the number of reports which were read, the scientific proposals and the best articles which were put forward by the participants of the conference.
Among the best articles were the works of: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, M. Sodikov «Transit power of the Republic of Tajikistan and its importance for the economic development of the country»; assistant od the Insurance Department U. Sharipov «The problems of assessment of investment development in the modern period»; Senior Lecturer of Economic and Financial Law department Z. Kodirov «The description of the institution functions of the local self-government in the socio-cultural space of the Republic of Tajikistan»; the Professor of Economics and Management department Vohidov V.V. «The development of agriculture – the condition of improvement of providing the population with food and industrial raw materials sector»; Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor T. Islomov «The retrospective look at the formation of taxation system»; Professor Usmonov N.U. and senior lecturer of the of Higher mathematics department A.T. Kabirov «Accidental singular tasks (A) of the general classes of preferred ratios»; Senior Lecturer of Economic theory department M. Jabbarova «Analysis of the initial cost of the aluminum industry»; Professor of Humanities department Bozorov S.Sh. «Philosophy of education: searching the ways of improvement»; Senior Lecturer of the Tajik and Russian languages department B. Sodikova «Ethical education of students in the institutions»; Assistant of Informatics Department M. Alamshoeva «The method of economic-mathematical modeling and computer modeling»; Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Physical culture and civil defense department B. Nasriddinova «The formation of  healthy lifestyle - the basis of the longevity of the population».
In general, according to the results of the conference 342 scientific articles have been proposed to the publication.
The Rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A.A. made a speech in the final part of the conference and noted that the results of the conference showed that the number of assistants, postgraduate students, Master’s degree students and students involved into the research work increased. Most of the research proposals have practical importance. It would be useful to develop methods and mechanisms of practical application of these proposals and recommendations - noted the Rector.
After the conference, the suggestions and recommendations on the results of its work have been sent to the relevant structures.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva