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Economic independence – basis of providing a decent living

Economic independence – basis of providing a decent living

On April 22 scientific-theoretical conference on the results of the research activity of the students and the teaching staff of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at FEIT.
The rector of the Institute Ashurboy Solekhzoda opened the conference and noted that these days all over the country there are numerous events devoted to this significant date. During the years of Independence the scientists and researchers of Tajikistan obtained a number of important fundamental scientific results. After independence, our main efforts were directed at achieving economic independence, as economic independence is a main component of the state. Only economic independence can provide a decent life for our people. Particular importance in the period of independence has also acquired the problem of the education system development as education forms the priorities of development of the state and we have achieved in this direction some success - noted A. Solekhzoda.
The representative of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Askarali Barotov and Lecturer of the Economy, Trade and Commerce Institute of Hujand Abdugaffor Kaumov participated at the event.
Then the participants of the conference listened to the reports: Professor of the Economic and Financial Law Department of FEIT Shavkat Ismoilov on theme «Improving the economic legislation in 25 years of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan»; the Head of the International financial and credit relations department of FEIT Mehtar Sodikov on theme «Transit power of the Republic of Tajikistan and its importance in the economic development»; the second year Master’s degree student «Finance» specialty Rahimzoda F. on theme «Food safety - means of providing qualitative products».
The speakers discussed in their reports the economic achievements of the country; spoke on improving the relevant legislative acts.
The students and the teachers took part in the debate. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of FEIT Khairov Sh. expressed his opinion on the discussed reports.
22-23 April the conference was held in the following sections: Economy, management and finance, Banking, Securities markets and insurance, Financial and economic law, Tax and customs business, Mathematics and natural sciences, Accounting, analysis, audit and statistics , Humanities, Tajik and Russian languages, Information technology, computer science and modeling, Sport and civil defense.

Nasrullo Tuychizoda