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Explanation of the corruption risks and the ways to combat it

Explanation of the corruption risks and the ways to combat it

On April 20, 2016 in accordance with the action plan of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan a meeting of students and teachers with the representatives of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with Corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan - Chief of the Main Anti-Corruption department Mukimi Nigora and leading expert Akbarzoda Nurmuhammad was held at FEIT.
This meeting was organized in the framework of the «Strategy of anti-corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2013-2020». The problems related to corruption risks and its impact on society, non-admission of corruption phenomena, compliance with anti-corruption legislation were discussed at the meeting.
The Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solekhzoda opened the event and noted that corruption is the most dangerous area of illegal relations in the society and privents the sustainable development of the government. Success in the fight against corruption depends, first of all, from active participation in the process of civil society. One day, the overall fight against corruption increases the level of economic development of the government to 2%. To change the situation, the society should realize their legitimate right to fight against the manifestations of corruption.
Over the years in accordance with the approved plan the arrangements against corruption are held in FEIT. The teachers of the Economic Theory department conduct research work in this direction. In order to confront the corruption phenomena all examinations at our institution are taken in testing center - noted A. Solekhzoda.
The chief of the Main Anti-Corruption department Mukimi Nigora explained in her speech the some chapters of « Strategy of anti-corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2013-2020» and spoke about the activities organized by the Agency aimed at implementing Strategies.
She noted that the meeting contributes to the gradual formation of wide public anti-corruption front, the aim of which should be uprooting the roots of corruption in the government.
She appealed to the participants of the meeting to be active in the fight against corruption phenomena, as the indifference of society contributes to the growth of corruption and other negative phenomena.
In the final part of the event the teachers and students of the institute have received answers to their numerous questions and made suggestions to eliminate problems impeding to the effective fight against corruption.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva