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I congratulate you on Victory Day!

I congratulate you on Victory Day!

Dear colleagues and students!
In the history of humanity the Victory of Soviet people over fascism is an historic event, which had a profound effect on the course of world development. Our people defeated fascism not only by skill and courage, but also by a number of great victims, laid on the altar of Victory.
On the call of the Homeland more than 300000 Tajik people joined the Red Army, more than 100000 of them didn’t return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
The present generation remembers the courage and heroism of their fathers and grandfathers. Victory in the Great Patriotic War ensured the unity, fearlessness, courage, unparalleled heroism, self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers. Their heroic life is an example for our youth.
Today we bow our heads before the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who blocked the way to fascism.
I congratulate all of you on the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory! I wish you health, happiness and long life! Let peace and harmony reign in our land forever!

Rector of FEIT Solehzoda A.A.