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Youth against extremism

Youth against extremism

On May 12, 2016 in accordance with the action plan of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty meeting of teachers and students with the Colonel of police, Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Training of the Customs Service staff under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Mirzo Abdulloev was held in FEIT. The event was organized with the aim of preventing the involvement of youth in the various extremist and terrorist groups.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty Firuz Nasriddinov, who noted that in the modern world extremist movements become more active that involve young people in its activities. He urged the students to the political vigilance, to be socially active and to focus on learning and improving professional skills.
In his speech M. Abdulloev, revealing the essence of extremism and terrorism, spoke about the factors of young people joining extremist groups. M. Abdulloev noted that  today, international terrorism is especially dangerous due to the fact that threatens the world order. International terrorism concerns also interests of Tajikistan, so law enforcement agencies of our republic direct all their efforts on preventing the threat of terrorism and extremism.
It was noted that terrorism and extremism are the major world threats to peaceful coexistence of countries. Terrorism and extremism entail the destruction of material and spiritual values, sowing discord between governments, provoking war. Terrorism constitutes one of the most dangerous threats to peace and security. In this connection, a great political vigilance is required from the youth of the country, young people and especially the students should protect themselves from the influence of various anti-government movements and groups. Young people should focus efforts on the comprehensive development of its scientific and creative potential, to participate actively in the political life of Tajikistan, not to lose political vigilance and to be a patriot of their country.
The importance of such events should be noted. It has great educational value and provide students with objective information about the situation in the world, as well as contribute to their protection from the involvement of various extremist groups and movements.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva