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Youth festival in FEIT

Youth festival in FEIT

In accordance with the «Action Plan of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan on the organization and conducting of Ten Days of Youth», as well as in the framework of the celebration of Family Day, the Day of Youth of Tajikistan, the Day of National Unity and the 25th anniversary of the State sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan cultural and educational events and the contest «Beautiful ladies of the Institute» were organized in FEIT.
The events were attended by the guests from the staff and representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Executive Committee of the PDP in the Sino district, local executive authorities of the Sino district.
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of FEIT Shukrullo Khairov opened the event with a congratulatory speech and congratulated everybody on the Day of Youth. In particular, he noted that the political, economic, social, cultural development of the state is impossible without the crucial role of young people. In this regard, the Government of Tajikistan pays special attention to upbringing, education and formation of young people, creating the conditions for its comprehensive development. One of the main initiatives of the National leader Emomali Rakhmon is that a number of the privileges established by the Government to attract young people to the state administrative affairs. For this purpose, as a sign of constant care the promotion of young people to leadership positions is carried out, presidential quota allocates for talented youth. Such support enhances social activity and youth self-realization, forms the younger generation views, values and outlook that enhance their sense of patriotism and strengthening their civil position.
Then, the Deputy of the Executive Committee of the PDPT in Sino district Odinaev Aziz made a speech before the participants of the event, who noted that the celebration of the Youth Day on the eve of a National referendum is symbolical. He urged the youth to take the initiative and political vigilance, to take an active part in the political life of the society. Then, the certificates of honor of the Executive Committee of the PDPT in Sino district and public organization «Sozandagoni Vatan» were awarded in a solemn ceremony to a number of students and teachers of the institute.
The Head of the Youth, Sport and Tourism Department of the government of Sino district Davlatzoda Abdullo Davlat congratulated the students with the holiday, noted that the youth of the republic is the main creative force and the future of the country depends on them, therefore, our government is investing in young people, in their education and health and ensures its participation in important decision-making processes. In this direction, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was drafted and adopted the Action Plan «The younger generation - a reliable follower of the National leader and defender of conquest of the State sovereignty». Today, this action plan is being implemented and carrying out these events in FEIT was scheduled by the plan, - concluded his speech Davlatzoda Abdullo Davlat and thanked the staff of the Institute for their active participation in public life of the country, has awarded a number of students a Certificate of Honor of Executive state authority of Sino district.
Javonon4001.jpgAs it was previously reported, within the framework of these events the competitions were organized in the Finance and Economics Institute: «The Best Curator», «The Best Auditorium», «The Best Room». The winners were named and awarded with the diplomas of different categories. Thus, according to the results of the contest «The Best Curator» the winner was Davlat Ibrohimov - assistant of the Finance and Money Circulation department, the curator of the second course of the specialty «Banking», the second place was taken by Olim Shomudinov - Senior Lecturer of the Customs service department, the curator of the second course of a specialty «Providing of Customs Service», the third place was awarded Mavzuna Khakimova - assistant of the Financial management department, the curator of the second course of a specialty «Financial management».
The best auditorium was the auditorium №109, in the educational building №1, responsible for this auditorium is Fotima Kodirova - curator of the first course of the specialty «Technology and information systems in economy»; the second place was awarded to the auditorium № 401, located in the educational building №3, responsible for this auditorium is Shodiev Kuhzod - curator of the third course of a specialty «Economic analysis»; the third place was awarded to the auditorium №110, educational building №2, responsible for this classroom is Akramova Bibimalika - curator of the first course of specialty «World economy».
In the contest «The best room» the first place was given to 2 rooms - №1 and №136, where lives Ramazon Saidov and Shakhlo Nasriddinova. The third place was given to room №410 (Mehrangez Normahmudova).
The administration of FEIT awarded a number of students and teachers with the Honorary Diplomas of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
The contest «The beautiful ladies of the instiute» was held at a high level. The participants had to fulfill four terms of the contest: recite poetry, making salads, creating hairstyles, presentation of the national clothes. The ladies perfectly presented their skills and cope with terms of the contest.
The members of the jury summed up the contest: the Head of the Management Department Davlatmo Nazaramonova, the lecturer of Humanities department Arzigul Tursunova, the lecturer of the Tajik and Russian languages department Savriniso Kodirova. Thus, the students of the Management and Finance Law Faculty won 57 points and took the first place, the second place was taken by the students of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty - 55 points, the students of the International Economic Relations Faculty took the third place - 52 points.  
The event ended with an interesting concert program prepared by amateur ensemble of FEIT led by Juramurod Muhammadnazar.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva