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The competition «Student of the Year» in FEIT

The competition «Student of the Year» in FEIT

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pays special attention to youth policy. For the upbringing, education and formation of young people all the conditions have been created in the country. Educated, possessing professional skills youth of the republic is the creative force of the future.
To identify and support talented youth the Youth Committee on Sport and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan took the initiative to organize the Republican competition among the students of higher educational institutions «Student of the Year». The aim of the competition is to support the most active students who proved themselves in research work, creative work, sport, the development of various student and youth actions.
The competition will be held in 2 stages. The first stage is carried out in higher education institutions, the final stage will be held in the Central Office of the Committee for Youth, Sport and Tourism.
Thus, on May 19 in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan was held the first stage of the competition «Student of the Year», 7 students from six faculties participated there. The participants of the competition were: the 2nd  year student of the International Economic Relations Faculty Khojaev Olisomon; the 3rd  year student of the Information Technology in Economy faculty Vohidov Alisher; the 3rd  year student of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty Abdulhaev Mahmadvali; the 3rd  year student of the Management and Finance Law Faculty Karimov Ashur; the 3rd  year student of the Financial Economic and Taxation Faculty Nurov Nematullo; the 2nd  year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty Juraeva Nargis and Amonova Dilnora.
The students carried out the following conditions of the competition: presentation presenting themselves in the competition with the help of slides; answers to the questions in the specialty and the achievements reached for the 25 years of the State's sovereignty; writing an essay on the state youth policy.
The winner of the competition was Amonova Dilnora.

H. Muhiddinov