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Discussion of the dissertations

Discussion of the dissertations

On May 31, 2016 a preliminary discussion of the dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences was held at the Economic Theory department. The following dissertations of the applicants were discussed: Ubaidulloyev Faridullo Karimovich on theme «The Role of Imam Abu Hanifa in the development of Islamic Economic Thought» (on specialty 08.00.01 - economic theory (the theory of economic ideas), scientific supervisor Doctor of Economics, professor Saidmurodov L.H.) and Umarov Navruzbek Nurulloevich on theme «Theoretical foundations of the development of migration of labor power in the conditions of an economy in transition period in the RT» (on specialty 08.00.01 - economic theory (general economic theory), scientific supervisor: Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Safarov B.G.).

Himoya4001.jpgAs the applicant Ubaidulloev F.M. noted the importance of such research topics is that they are examined in accordance with the instructions of the National Leader, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who in 2009 in his article «The Great Imam and national mentality» wrote: «The value of the heroic action of this great personality is multifaceted, but still have not fully studied by specialists». It should be noted that there is not any scientific work devoted to the study of the scientific heritage of Abu Hanifa, the study of the economic aspects of the scientific heritage of Imam Abu Hanifa and their impact on the formation of an Islamic economic thought require the special attention. In the conditions of spreading the global financial crisis the research and identification of new forms of economic activity is of great importance, in this regard, there is necessity for a comprehensive study of the scientific heritage of our thinkers, including Abu Hanifa, who stood at the origins of Islamic economic thought.
The novelty of the scientific dissertation is that the scientific heritage of Abu Hanifa first considered in the aspect of the study of its economic outlook and its impact on the formation and subsequent development of Islamic economic theory, - the applicant concluded his speech.
Then Ubaidulloev F. answered the numerous questions.
The applicant N. Umarov noted in his speech that in the period of transition economy in the Republic of Tajikistan the theme of labor migration has acquired the special significance. In connection with it the theme of the theoretical definition of the labor market fundamentals, the essence of contemporary migration processes and the movement of labor forces of the republic becomes actual.
The works of the applicants were evaluated positively by the presents. During the discussion some shortcomings were identified and set the degree of completion of the study.
The dissertations were recommended for protection.

Abdulloeva M.