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Ordering requires increasing financial culture of the population

Ordering requires increasing financial culture of the population

On October 1, 2016 general meeting of teachers and students of the Institute was held in FEIT. The activity of the public institute commission on monitor the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On regulation of traditions, celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» was discussed at the meeting. Rector of the Finance and Economics Institute Ashurboy Solehzoda opened the meeting, who spoke about the objectives and results of the above-mentioned commission and its sub-committees at the institute.
A. Solehzoda noted that the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On regulation of traditions, celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» was adopted to streamline the traditions, celebrations and ceremonies, as well as to avoid waste, unnecessary costs in all areas of life, the efficient use of funds should be norm of everyday life of the people and part of the family culture of our citizens. The adoption of this law was timely, and compliance with its norms helped to improve the level and quality of life of our people. It is noteworthy that today the neighboring countries adopt our experience in this area.
Today, our public commission has not identified the violation of the Law «On regulation of traditions, celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» at the Institute. Unfortunately, the observations show that very often our citizens allow waste and showing off during the various ceremonies and events, and thus violate the Law.
Our whole trouble lies in the fact that today the majority of our national ceremonies, having lost its true purpose, acquired the meaning of treats and feasts device that has become one of the components of our psychology. Unfortunately, the culture of the organization and carrying out of the customs and traditions some of our citizens is at a low level. People must consciously abstain from various kinds of undue and unnecessary costs during the ceremonies, our citizens must realize that compliance with the law will fully enhance the quality of their lives. The teachers as intellectuals, should be the example to the public in this area.
In confirmation of this the Rector of FEIT Solehzoda A.A. gave specific examples of the everyday life of the population, and also noted the senseless spending during the celebration of religious holidays of Ramadan and Kurban. He noted that compliance with such wasteful ceremonies for most people is a sign of their belonging to Islam, that is wrong. Research show that more than 40 percent of its revenue our population spends on organizing and holding these holidays. We must promote a culture of thrift and prevent unnecessary extravagance among our fellow citizens - concluded his speech Solehzoda A.A.
As a result of Solehzoda A.A. speech implementation of the requirements of the Law «On regulation of traditions, celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» in the Finance and Economics Institute has been found to be satisfactory.
Due to the fact that every year on the first Sunday of October is Teacher's Day in Tajikistan, Rector congratulated all teachers on their professional holiday and wished them progress in professional activities. In honor of the Teacher’s Day Associate Professor of Humanities department Gulomjon Mirzoev and the teacher of Russian Language Department Burigul Sodikova were awarded with a cash prize for achievements in professional activity. The tickets for international football competitions were given to some young teachers.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan awarded the Rector of FEIT Solehzoda A.A. with medal «For cooperation» in honor of the 25th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The meeting was held in a festive atmosphere.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva