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FEIT became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016»

FEIT became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016»

We are glad to announce that Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016» in the nomination « Favorable conditions» (the creation of favorable conditions for study and accommodation) and was awarded with Cup, Diploma and a trip to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston». On October 8 at the board meeting the Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan Said Nuriddin Said solemnly presented the awards to the Rector of the Institute Ashurboy Solehzoda.
The board meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan was held at the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University, where the results of the competition «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan -2016» were summed up.
The Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan Said Nuriddin Said opened the board meeting, who noted that in honor of the 25th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan at the initiative of the weekly journal «Tajikistan» in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan was declared the competition «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan -2016». This competition was summarized on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. Due to the fact that it was planned to hold a number of political events in September, it was decided to summarize and announce the results of this competition at the board meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan.
The Chairman of the Board and the Chief Editor of the weekly journal «Tajikistan» Sharif Hamdampur in his speech noted that the competition «Top Ten universities in Tajikistan» was announced in February and lasted until the end of August. The aim of the competition were: evaluation of the quality of training and education at universities, studying of public opinion on this issue, to draw public attention to the problems of education and science, the establishment and development of cooperation between higher education institutions in Tajikistan and other countries.
The competition was held in 10 nominations, 26 universities of Tajikistan took part in it.
Dgna4001.jpgA lot of materials on the quality of education and achievements of universities in the country were published at the newspapers «Tajikistan», «Arguments and Facts in Tajikistan», as well as on the website «Tajikistantimes.com». According to surveys conducted by weekly journal «Tajikistan», about three million readers, both at the country and abroad have been informed about the activities of our institutions.
We heartily congratulate the staff and students of FEIT with the victory and wish them new achievements in professional activity and training.
The names of winners of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016» in various nominations:
1) in the universal nomination (on a number of specialties and comprehensive achievements) – The National University of Tajikistan (prize - a trip to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston»);
2) in the «Favorable conditions» (the creation of  favorable conditions for study and accomodation) – The Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan (awarded with cup, diploma and a trip to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston»);
3) in the nomination «Talented teachers» (experience and skills of the teachers) has won the State Pedagogical University of Tajikistan named after S. Ayni (award - a ticket to the sanatorium «Sarob»);
4) in the nomination «One for all and all for one» has won the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service;
5) in the nomination «The competitiveness of specialists» (specialists according to the labor market) – The State University of Commerce of Tajikistan;
6) in the nomination «Science in Production» (the use of scientific achievements in production) – The Technical University of Tajikistan named after Muhammajon Osimi;
7) in the nomination «Pride and Glory» (students achievement) – The Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Shirinsho Shotemur;
8) in the nomination «The Popularity and links» (cooperation with foreign universities) – The State Medical University of Tajikistan named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino;
9) in the nomination «Active position» (an active participation in cultural and educational events) – The State University of Horug named after Moyonsho Nazarshoev;
10) in the nomination «Leader»  (realization of  innovation and technology) – The Technological University of Tajikistan.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva